Chapter 5

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I sat there in silence not wanting to answer I was thinking of a different subject but couldn’t figure out what to say. He just sat there waiting for me to answer, but to be honest I don’t really want to tell him I’m mean yeah I should he went through this too but I haven’t shared my story to anybody!

“Sooo???? What is it?” he asked again, great now I might have to tell him unless I can sneak my way out of this, or just tell him, ugh I don’t know anymore.

“Umm I don’t really wanna talk about it sorry.” I had to be honest, right? I just hate thinking of how I ended up here.

“It’s alright I understand I was like that to but then I learned that getting it out is good and it feels nice to talk about.” Man he was desperate to find out but maybe later on in life if I knew him better I will tell him.

“Yeah it would be but maybe if I knew you better and we got closer.” He gave me a nod meaning that he understood my reason. After that there was this long moment of silence. “So what do you wanna talk about?”

“It doesn’t matter I guess umm we could talk about ourselves just to get to know each other better?” Well this was a start.

“Ok well I’ve been here at this one adoption center for about ten years and I love watermelons actually no I love all food! I don’t have many friends and I always come out here to think, I hope that one day a family will come and adopt me, I love dogs and going on adventures even though there is nowhere to go, I love animals but never had one of my own, umm let’s see, I love going for walks in the sun, and yeah I think that’s it? Your turn.”

“Wow that’s really interesting. Ok I love food too it’s like one of my best friends,” I couldn’t help but laugh at that it was actually kind of funny. “Haha yeah it’s sad and I have been to, uh gosh maybe three adoption centers but I have my reasons and I the only animal I like is a dog and only kittens, hate cats when they’re old but anyways I love the outdoors and exploring is fun.” Wow we had so much on common it was crazy, I think we might just get along great!

“Wow that’s interesting we have a lot in common that’s for sure!” we both looked into each other's eyes his beautiful blue eyes made me feel weak in the inside.

“Yeah it is I’m glad. Wanna go exploring?”

“Sure but where to?” I was curious to where he wanted to go because I’ve been all around here and nothing is special.

“Umm I don’t know I’ve only been here for what? Five hours or so?”

“Haha no I think less, how about we go exploring tomorrow morning than we have more time to be out before it gets late, otherwise Mrs. Donovan with have a fit and no one wants that… trust me.”

He agreed, then we headed inside because it was getting chilly outside. We talked for a bit more inside but then it got late and we headed for our rooms.

*                           *                               *                              *

The next morning me and Brandon met downstairs and ate our breakfast really fast, we grabbed a bunch of snacks and told Mrs. Donovan we were going to be out for most of the day exploring and she was fine with that, which never happens, man I wish we got a new kid often!

When we were out the door we stood wondering where to go, so we just went into the woods, we have everything we need and pepper spray just in case a bear came out.

“Wow it’s so beautiful out don’t you agree?” I said to startd a conersation.

“Yeah it is! Nice weather to go exploring.”

“Yeah it is!” we started walking its been around a half our since we left we were pretty far in the  bush and I have no idea where we were and to tell you the truth I got pretty scared but to top it off there was a noise in the bush and it was loud.

“What the hell was that?!?” I was so freaked out I almost jumped into Brandon’s arms.

“Wow didn’t know you swore, but I don’t know, it sure doesn’t seem happy though.”

There was another loud noise and this time a loud growl I was so scared that I couldn’t move, or hear anything, I was in shock. Great. I could kind of hear Brandon screaming at me but I couldn’t move or anything because at that moment there it was, right in front of us, the biggest creature alive. A bear. I almost peed myself, but luckily I didn’t. Brandon was terrified too I could tell he grabbed my bag while I just stood there and he took out the pepper spray, just ready to use it. He grabbed my hand and held it tight as he sprayed the bear next thing you know the bear is gone and I’m holding onto Brandon like it was the only thing left of my life. 

He ran his fingers threw my hair telling me to calm and its going to be alright but I wasn’t so sure about that. Ten minutes went by and we were all calmed down. And I finally realized I was holding onto Brandon.

“Sorry I didn’t realize I was holding onto you.”

“It’s okay we’re safe now and that’s all that matters, let’s just continue.” As we started walking my hand was still in his, but I sure didn’t mind one bit.

We walked for a bit more, having a good conversation, until we came to a clear opening. Turns out we made our way to a small town and there was a little corner store.

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