Chapter 25

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It took 3 hours just to unpack all of Brandon’s things and put them in his room, I didn’t think he had that much stuff! Once that was done I looked at the clock and it was half past 5, which meant mom should be home soon, I said my goodbyes and headed home, luckily it was only a 2minute walk. When I got home, mom still wasn’t there, so I decided to make dinner. I got into the kitchen and got all of my ingredients out to make a casserole, because oddly enough that was what I was craving. It only took me 20 minutes to prepare and then another 30 minutes to cook, so by the time it was all done mom had just entered the house.

“Mmm what smells so good?” she asked while groaning because of the food, she walked into the kitchen with a bag of groceries.

“Casserole.” I simply replied, grabbing the groceries from her hand, and replacing it with a plate full of food, I got to putting everything away, and mom just stood there with a smile on her face.

“Mmm Rose you never told you could cook this good! Man how on earth did I end getting a daughter like you.” She said while taking another bite of her food.

“Hmm I thought you would’ve known I could cook, and good question, I’m not sure about that.” I said, dishing up my own plate of food to eat, once I got my food, we both sat down at the kitchen table.

“So? How was unpacking with Brandon?” she asked, always trying to get in the gossip, well if you even call it gossip.

“It was great, Mrs. Winston is super nice, and her house is just lovely, I can tell Brandon is very lucky to have a mother like her, kind of like how I’m lucky to have a mother like you.” I said ending my sentence with a huge smile.

“Good, she’s a very nice lady, I’m glad to see she found a man like Brandon to adopt.”

“Yeah, thank you by the way.”

“Don’t thank me, you’re the one who made the dinner” I let out a small laugh, she thought I was talking about the food!

“No not about that, thank you for adopting me and being the best mom a girl could ever have and ask for.” I said, mom just got up from her chair and gave me a huge hug; it was nice to get a mom hug.

“You’re welcome baby girl, now if you excuse I’m getting seconds because apparently my daughter makes the best food in the world!” she said grabbing her plate and heading for the kitchen to get more. All I did was laugh.


A week went by, and if with Brandon living near, everything is perfect. We hung out basically every day, either his house or mine, which is awesome because I really like Mrs. Winston, she’s so nice, but anyways, it’s the middle of summer, I’ve been busy every day, but it’s been fun, just hanging out with the people you love. Brandi has been talking to me again, which is weird, but this time I am not going to give in, she might just do the same thing like before but worse.

But today was different, today was my birthday. I know someone is gonna do something like surprise me, but I don’t know. Whatever it is, I’m sure it’s going to be great.

When I got up, I took a quick shower, once I was finished I put on some ripped shorts, with an off the shoulder shirt, which was a light pink, with a cute but faint design on it. I put on my hope earrings and a heart shaped necklace. I decided on curling my hair, then pulling it to the side. For my make-up I just put minimal amount, nothing hardcore. Once I was fine with my outfit I headed downstairs.

 Normally when it’s your birthday and you go downstairs to your family and such, they say ‘happy birthday!’ but not this time, when I got downstairs, all I got was a faint ‘hi’ and even then they didn’t look up, mom was in the kitchen grabbing a bowl of cereal for herself, and Bob was reading the newspaper.

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