Chapter 22

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Rosie’s POV

I woke to Brandon talking to himself, or me? I’m not sure, but he was talking, I’m kind of glad I’m awake, I guess, I don’t know. I don’t want to go back to school, or public, everybody would just make more fun of me.  That’s the last thing I want to happen, I wish I actually did die though, I mean now hopefully things will be looking better, doubt it though.

I’ve been here for a week, well probably more, but I’ve been awake for a week, and I’m still at the hospital, they think I’m going to try to commit suicide, but I don’t feel like going through all of that pain again, as in jumping off of a roof. Man I was stupid, why the heck would I jump off a roof? Anyways the doctor said I can leave later on tonight, which is Friday, he also told me to take it easy before I go back to school, until I have more confidence, and strength. I have to be checked up on like every ten minutes, just in case I try something dumb again. But after this whole ‘I’m gonna kill myself’ thing I’ve realized something that I haven’t realized before, that people actually care about, I am wanted, sort of. I had a bunch of people from Hillside visit me; I’ve even had some kids from school, come and say spry for what happened and how they shouldn’t have done that. Kt was really nice; apparently Brandi came when I first entered the hospital, wonder why though, she hates me anyways.

“Brandon?” I whisper-talk to see if he’s still here, which wouldn’t surprise me; he hasn’t left my side unless it was to shower, or eat.

“Yeah Rose” he whisper-talks back.

“Thank-you for staying with me.” I answer, with a smile plastered on my face.

“Anything for you baby-girl.” I smile when he calls me ‘baby-girl’ I know we’re not dating but only if we were, I miss being his girlfriend, and all of the things we’d do together, laugh talk, smile, and just live.

“Brandon?” I ask again but this time I little louder cause I was getting tired of talking quietly.

“Yes?” he replies same tone as before.

“Promise me that once I’m out of the hospital, that you’ll still care for me like you do now, and come visit me more?” I said asking a question more than a statement.

“I promise I’ll do anything to come see you and I’ll always care for you, even if I’m not around you babe.” He says soothingly and caringly. “But you have to promise me to not do anything hurtful and scare me like that again, please>” when he talks about what happen, his voice is all shaky and scared.

“I promise, and as long as I have you, I won’t.” And that’s true, as long as he’s with me at all times, then I will stay alive, he’s the one that kept me going, he’s the one reason why I woke up every morning, and even when I was asleep for over a week, I only woke up because of Brandon, and I truly did love him, I’ve always loved him, I feel like it was love at first sight when he came to Hillside. 

“Good.” He gave me a kiss, but not on the cheek or forehead, but on the lips, the kiss that makes my stomach to flips, and has butterflies, not nervous butterflies, but happy butterflies.

“Brandon?” I ask again.

“Hmm?” is his reply, sweet and simple.

“What are we?” I ask him.

“Umm? Humans?” he lets out a small chuckle.

I give a small laugh, because frankly it hurts to laugh. “No, I meant what are we as in are we a, uh a thing?” I hesitantly ask.

“Oh, umm I don’t know, what do you want to be?”

“Well I know what I want to be, but what do you want to be, because most friends don’t kiss on the lips whenever they feel like it.” I answer sounding mater-of-fact like I thought to myself. 

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