Chapter 23

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Hey guys!!! So I got really bored and decided to make another chapter! That’s two chapters in 1 day! Pretty crazy, but any-hoo hope you like this one, sorry it’s short. Umm yeah that’s it I guess, oh don’t forget to vote or leave a comment! Thanks guys J -Emily

Rosie’s POV

I couldn’t believe what he had just told me, I was in total shock, I couldn’t even imagine him doing that, it was just something that I couldn’t see him doing. This would never change the way I felt about him, he’s changed now, and I can tell. I just can’t believe he went to jail.

“You think differently of me, don’t you?” he asks with a sad tone to it.

“No, you’ve changed even if you did rob a store and go to jail for three months but you’re not the person you used to be.” I said leaning my head on his shoulder, I heard him sigh with relief.

“I have changed and only because of you.” I looked at him in the eyes and smiled.

I was still shocked though, how could he just rob a store because he was angry, and then being sent to jail for three months is absurd, he didn’t even get a warning or anything. I mean yeah that’s pretty I don’t know, fair maybe? I guess it was to teach him a lesson, yeah that’s right, and that lesson worked, he is such a better person now.  But then I realised, I’m in love with a guy who went to jail, who robbed a store, and beat people. The beating is understandable I mean he did get bullied, but I’m dating a criminal, sort of, I think, wait no, he’s not a criminal, he’s changed.

“Stop that!” I heard Brandon say, causing me to jump.

“Stop what?” I asked.

“Stop, thinking! It’s driving me nuts! You’re not thinking of breaking up with me, are you?” he said in a scared rush voice. How could he think I’d break up with him, silly boy.

“No I’m not breaking up with you, and as long as you won’t steal, or uh rob a store or beat people up then we’re good.” I said, smiling at the end.

He let out a small laugh, “no, I’m done with that crap, I shouldn’t have done it, but it’s in the past now, never again will I do that.” He said, sounding a bit more pleased.

“Good, I’m hungry, go make me a sandwich.” I said, sitting up now, he just nodded and got up to make me food, what an amazing boyfriend, I thought to myself.

*2 weeks later*

I decided to go back to school, it’s been almost a month, I’m scared, my hands are sweaty and my heart is racing. I’m scared to know what people are going to say to me and treat me.

“Okay, you have to go now, look I love you, I hope you have a great day, if there’s a problem, just call me and I’ll pick you up. Um that’s it I think, oh here is your lunch, have a great day baby love you.” Yeah first day, I’m thankful for the mother like her, even though she has gotten a lot more protective, but how can I blame her?

“Thanks mom, I love you too, I’ll see you after school, ok?” she nodded her head; I can tell she’s trying to keep the tears from falling.

I walk out of the house in the cool spring air; it feels nice to be outside, for some reason I feel like a new person. As I step onto the bus, everybody is starring at me, just like when I first stepped on the, when it was my first day, kind of feels like that today, my first day, I just smile and sit in an empty seat. We go to each bus stop, everyone still starring at me but I just smile, no one wants to sit near me, but why would I care? I get a seat to myself. We go to the last bus stop till we get to school, but this stop is where Sophie gets on.

As she steps on the bus she looks directly at me first, she has a fake smile on, I can tell its fake, me on the other hand have no facial expression at all. She goes and sits right across from me, in the seat that has another person in it.

“hey.” She says, I was shocked to see she actually spoke to me.

“Hi” I said blandly with no expression still.

“Look, I’m sorry for getting mad at you too.” She said, she sounded sorry but how could I know she was telling the truth?

“Look, Sophie, what you did hurt me, a lot. You were one of my first best friends, and you turned on me when I was going through a tough time.” I told her honestly.

“I know, and I’m sorry, I feel bad, I do, and I’m sorry for not being there when you needed me most, haha I feel like I’m dating you, but look I promise not to do that again, but please give me another chance.” I laughed too, it did sound like we were a couple.

“Yeah I’ll give you another chance, only because you’re like a sister to me.” I smile and we hugged awkwardly, I heard someone about to make a comment when a guy punched him, well I think someone punched him, he sure sounded like he got hit. We both bursted out laughing for no apparent reason, but I was glad to have my best friend back.

As we got into the school people were instantly looked at me as they saw me enter the halls, I just smiled and walked to my locker, when I opened it, I saw a bunch of little papers fall out of it, they were hate letters, but I just laughed and threw them out. I grabbed my books and headed to my first class.

When I entered the class room, people’s head shot up, and stared as I walked to my seat; it was weird, having everyone stare at you.

“Wow, she lives.” I hear Brandi comment; I just ignored her and everyone laughing. And to think she was ‘sorry’ what a fake.

“Good morning class, oh hello Rosie, glad to see your back.” Mr. Garret said, making everyone stare at me once again. “Ok so today we are going to start reading a book, because this is English class!” he said a little to happy we all got books, and well the only thing I have to say about that class was that was super boring and long!

As the bell rung to inform that it is lunch time, I hop out of my seat, history was also boring, pretty cool to though. I went straight to my locker and saw Sophie standing by it, we both went into the cafeteria to enjoy, or try to enjoy lunch.

As we entered the cafeteria, everyone goes silent, it’s weird.

“Well if you look who it is, it’s stupid, and pathetic.” Brandi says, laughing a fake laugh with a stupid fake smile, man why didn’t I notice before she was just so, fake! “Ewe don’t touch the table or anything! You might get diseases on it Rosie; we don’t want this whole school to be contagious.” She said in a snotty voice, gaining laughs from everyone.  

“Just ignore her.” Sophie whispers to me.

“No, not today,” I walk over to Brandi’s table, they all look shocked that I even came near them, “You know what? I’m tired of you guys, ok I came to this school thinking we were friends, but now, your just a bunch of bitches, who think you’re at the top, but you’re not, yeah maybe the top for being  mean, so stop being so rude and mean, it’s not nice, it’s stupid and pathetic, kind of like you guys.” I said, standing up for myself for once, it felt great.

“Why don’t you just stop sleeping with boys.” She said trying to continue being meant, but it’s not working.

“Hey! Leave her alone! She is so pretty, far prettier than you guys, you guys are just mean, and rude! Like get a grip.” I felt a blush creep to my face as a random guy stands up, soon everyone is standing up to Brandi and her posse, and it was amazing.

“Fine, you want us gone, then we’re out of here, this place is gross anyways.” They walked up and left the cafeteria, everyone was clapping and cheering, I felt proud, to know that I stood up to my bully, and everyone else was then on my side.

After lunch, a lot of people came up to me and congratulated me on standing up to Brandi, today was a great day, and I couldn’t wait to tell Brandon and An- I mean my mom about it.  

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