chapter 12

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~Brandon’s POV~

I couldn’t believe I told Rosie I loved her, I mean I was gonna break up with her, ugh I screw everything up! Even though she said she loved me, but does she really mean it? I’m sitting in my room now, I checked the clock and it said 3:00am. I’m not very tired; I can’t sleep when I can’t concentrate, I’m so confused, I just wish maybe Rosie would go, so I don’t have to keep thinking about this, I hope she gets adopted. She deserves a home and someone better than me.

I finally drifted off to sleep, because the last thing I saw was the roof than, bam, my eyes were shut.

Next thing I know, I’m walking on a bridge behind a girl, she had beautiful brown hair and she was petit, reminded me of Rosie. Next thing I know is there’s a girl calling after me, I turn around o see who it is, it’s Jarin, what the hell is she doing?

“Yeah, hi” I say.

“Baby where are going?” she asks.

“Baby? What the hell we’re not dating.” What was she talking about? Last time I checked I was dating Rosie.

“Yes we are you silly; remember you broke up with that slut to date me!”

“I did what?! No I didn’t.” I run towards the girl who is still ahead of me, “HEY WAIT UP!” I yell to get her to stop. “Rosie?” I say.

She turns around, her eyes are red and puffy, and her cheeks are wet from crying. “Wh-what do you want Brandon you already have her. Isn’t that enough?” she asks crying some more.

“Baby what are you talking about?”

“Don’t call me baby, I’m not your baby anymore, you left me for her.” She turned around crying.

“WAIT! Don’t leave me I only want you.” I said trying to catch up with her but the more I run, the further she gets than all of a sudden she jumps off the bridge, I jump in trying to save her but she’s gone.

I swim back to shore and see Jarin there, she grabs me in, and gives me a hug, I hug her back, and then all of a sudden I hear someone talk, ‘thanks for everything Brandon hope you’re happy with her.’ The person drifts away. I start crying, I’m so emotional, I lost everything I love, the one girl I only want and now she’s gone. I start to cry then Jarin gets angry with me; she pushes me back in the water. Now I’m gone too.

I find myself awake, crying. I look around me, I’m in my room. Back in my bed, it was all just a dream.

~Rosie’s POV~

It’s early in the morning; I had a rough sleep, I probably[y went to bed around 4:00 in the morning; I didn’t even have a dream. Thank god. When I finally decided to get out of bed and see if anybody’s awake around 6:30am. As I got downstairs, Mrs. Donovan was done there reading something. I tried to make little noise as possible but that didn’t work, I ended up falling down the stairs.

“Goodness Rosie! What on earth are you doing up so early?!” she asks with a scared looking face.

“Well I uh, I couldn’t sleep.”

“What time did you got to bed at?”

“Around 4 and I woke up an half an hour ago.” I sat across from her in another chair.

“Rosie that’s not good, what’s been on your mind?”

“Me and Brandon, he told me he loved me, but I don’t actually think he does, he’s hurt me to many times.” I say honestly.

“Oh your having boy troubles, well I don’t know but if this helps you a little, someone called, she wants a teenage girl.” I was shocked, a lady wants to adopt me! I was happy but I didn’t really wanna leave.

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