chapter 6

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This corner store was a decent size, it wasn’t super big but it wasn’t very small, a good size for what you need.

“So what now? Do we keep walking or go back?”

“Let’s go in and explore in there.”

“Brandon are you crazy? If we go in we’re going to have to buy something and we don’t have any money.”

“No Rosie I’m not crazy, I’m adventurous, I like to go out and explore new things, don’t you? And I highly doubt we’ll have to buy anything.”

“Ok, ok fine, let’s go in but if we get into trouble it’s your fault!” we walked out and went into the store. Inside it was big and colorful, everything was neat and clean, nothing was out of its place.

This teenage girl came up to us she looked about our age and said, “Hi can I help you?” I looked at Brandon to answer that for me seeing how I suck at talking to people I don’t know.

“No thanks we’re just looking around.” We were still holding hands, and the girl gave me a dirty look when she saw, I don’t know why though I mean it’s not like Brandon would go for a girl like that.

“Ok well I’m Jarin if you need any help, so try not to need help ok.” She was pretty rude but we nodded and walked away to go see more. It seemed like she was following us because everywhere we went she would be right behind us. It was weird.

“Why is she following us?” I whispered to Brandon so she wouldn’t be able to hear.

“I’m not so sure but its creepy, maybe we should go?” I agreed and we headed for the door and the girl was stillfollowing, I wondered what her problem was it’s not like we were going to steal or anything.

“Bye! Come again soon but next time buy something or you, the boy, come visit sometime, have a good day!” she gave Brandon a wink and I could feel a bit of jealousy I don’t know why it’s not like I like Brandon and I could care less if she and him had a ‘thing’ going on.

“Well that was weird and she was weird, really weird.” I gave him a nod, and off we went. We stopped holding hands, I didn’t really care besides the fact that our hands fit perfectly into each others like it was meant to be, shit I think I might actually be falling for him. But why? He’s not gonna like a girl like me, I mean he’s a good looking guy and I’m a girl that isn’t pretty enough for guys like that.

While I was busy day dreaming about me not being good enough for Brandon I catch him just staring at me, I can’t help but blush a little. “Can I help you?” I laughed a bit and so did he.

“Nah I’m just thinking”

“Then why are you looking at me while you think?”

“Because I was thinking about you” I stop in my tracks shocked on what I heard, Brandon wasn’t making eye contact with me and is cheeks were red with embarrassment, and yet he still looked cute.

“oh” I said because that’s all I could let out, I didn’t know if he meant he was thinking; maybe how I’m such a retard and how dumb I am or I have no clue. “What about me?” I managed to let out.

“About how you are amazing and super pretty and my only actually friend I’ve never met anyone who is as nice as you, and you actually gave me a chance.”

“That was the nicest thing anybody has ever said to me, thanks. And to be honest you also my only friend that I’ve actually ever had. But of course I gave you chance, why wouldn’t I?”

“Because no one ever gives me chances they all hear about what I’ve done and right away they don’t want anything to do with me.” I almost started to cry that’s the saddest thing I’ve heard.

We moved closer to each other and by this time we were so close I felt his warm breath on my check we leaned in a bit more and finally our lips were touching. His lips were so soft and they fit perfectly in place with mine. When we finished that most amazing first kiss ever, we looked into each other’s eyes and smiled, his smile was so perfect.

“That was, nice.” I said and with that we held hands and walked back.

*                   *                    *                 *

The next morning I woke up with a huge smile on my face, I was lying in bed just thinking about yesterday how Brandon and I kissed. It was the best day I have ever experienced.

I decided to get up 15 minutes later. I showered and put on some denim shorts, a cute pink tank top, with these cute black flats. When I went downstairs I saw Brandon playing with all the little kids waiting for breakfast to be ready. When he looked up and saw me coming down he gave me a big smile, I obviously smiled back. I when and joined all them when Brandon came up to me.

“Hey gorgeous.” I laughed a pathetic laugh of mine but it was my way of laughing nervously.   

“Hey handsome” I decided to play along with his little games and we both laughed. “How are you doing this fine morning?”

“Much better now that you’re with me.” He blushed a little and looked so cute, it’s a shame we weren’t dating we’d me such a cute couple.

“Awe aren’t you a sweet heart.” He gave a cute nod in return and all the kids were watching us as if we had a disease.

"Brandon are you gonna keep flirting or are you gonna play with us?” a little boy who I’ve seen a couple times but never actually talked to him, he looks like he’s around 8 but he could be older, or younger.

Brandon laughed, “Okay, okay I’ll go and play.” he was on his way to go join the kids but looked at e, “I’ll see you later I guess?”

“Yes you will.” I don’t know if he was just doing this on purpose, like playing with my feelings or if he actually liked me, I hope the second one. Because the more we talk the more I fall for him, and that kiss made it worse.

I decided to pass the time by going into the kitchen to see if anything needed to be done or if I could help them cook or something. When I entered the kitchen, the ladies were happy to see me.

“Well if you look who finally decided to come for a visit” said Lorene, she’s my favorite out of all them, “how can I help ya? The new boy to boring now?” they all laughed at that but I just sat there joining the laugh but mine was pathetic.

“Hi, I actually came to see if you needed help with anything, but no Brandon is not boring he’s playing with the little ones for your information” they laughed at my last comment.

“Hmm I don’t know if we need any help actually, how ‘bout you just sit and talk, yeah?” I nodded, “ok good I’m glad to have your company, so how are things with this Brandon guy?”

I can see now why they wanted to talk; man those ladies live for the gossip. “Well you know it’s all good he’s nicer than I thought he would be.” They looked at me with a strange expression. “w-what?”

“Nothing dear, it’s just that before he got here you didn’t even want him here so it’s just shocking.” Martha told me and all the other’s nodded in agreement.

“Yeah, but, I mean, people change, and he turned out to be nice and better and not so mean.”

“Oh now I get” Lorene said but I wasn’t understanding what she meant.

“Get what?” I was officially confused.

“Oh you know! You clearly like him!” Crap. She knew I liked him but I don’t know how.

“Oh and how do you know this Lorene?”

“Well I mean who doesn’t know? Like c’mon girly you like him, now go wash up breakfast will be in 10 minutes.”

I did as I was told but when we got to the table and sat down all the ladies were giving me a look that bothered me, I really hope Brandon doesn’t notice, but when I look at him, he gives me a confused look.

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