chapter 14

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“Hello?” I wondered who called me.

“Uh hi.” They say, the person sounds like a boy, but who would call me?

“Who is this?” I ask.

“It’s, um Brandon.” I almost dropped the phone, I was so happy to hear his voice again!

“Brandon! I didn’t notice your voice over the phone, it sounds so different!” I say excitedly, maybe a bit too excited but I didn’t care.

“Aha yeah.” he says in a quiet, shy voice.

“What’s wrong?”

“I miss you Rosie, I know I screwed up a lot, but I only ignored you because it hurt so much that I couldn’t spend time with you, so I don’t realize how much I actually do love you, Rosie I’m so sorry for everything I’ve done, I truly am sorry.” He seems very honest about what he said but I don’t know what I can believe anymore with him though.

“Oh, I’m sorry too, we should hang out soon then?”

“Uh yeah maybe.” Is what he said, after telling me that h e missed me, this is what I get?

“Oh, why maybe?”

“Well I’ve been busy lately.”

“We didn’t even pick a date to hang though… you know what never mind, if you’re busy your busy, I gotta go, bye.” I hung up on him.

Why did I have to fall so hard for Brandon, all he did was played me like a toy, and that a little kid plays. I fell for everything he told me and the three words that mean a ton, I love you, and I can’t even with him anymore, I’m done trusting and believing boys, they tell you all these things that they don’t even mean, and they don’t even realize that what they say, every girl will believe them.

I didn’t realize I was crying until I felt my cheeks moist with my tears. I hate my life, all I want to do is go cry and run away, I won’t because I like Anna, but if I could I so would.

After I make myself presentable I go downstairs to eat something, when I get to the kitchen, there’s a note.


I had to quickly run to the store, sorry for not telling you, but I didn’t want to ruin your phone call, we’ll talk when I get back, which should be a bit after 11 because I will also be going out with a few friends.

                                                  Much love, Anna (mom) J

I guess I’m staying up till 11 now, but that doesn’t bother me, I just wish she was here to talk now. I look in the kitchen for some food. I decide on making a sandwich because there was really nothing good to eat. When I finish making my sandwich, I sit on the couch and watch a movie, Dear John this movie is my favorite, I’ve watched it with Anna before and I cried my eyes out. I love sappy, romantic movies, what girl doesn’t? half way through the movie and I’m crying, this movie isn’t helping with my boy problems, all I can do is think about Brandon and how he acted, I could never stop thinking about him, even though he could probably stop thinking about me in a second. It hurts to know that he’s hurt me so many times and doesn’t even feel guilty about it. It hurts to know that even my ex best friend Lily knew he was going to break up with me and never decided to tell me about it, to give me a heads up, it hurts to know that where ever I go, I’m not wanted, maybe for the first but, but then after, I’m invisible once again.

I look at the clock to see that it quarter to eleven. Anna should be here soon, then I can tell her about everything the happened on the phone. Speaking of the phone, it starts ringing, I’m scared to answer it, but I do anyways.



“Who’s this?”

“Never mind.” is all they say until they hang up, that was weird.

The person on the phone sounded like a guy, a depressed guy, kind of like Brandon, but I don’t think that was him who called. The phone rang again.

“Hello?” I say kind of annoyed now, come to think of it, who the heck calls at eleven at night?

“Hi” it sounds like the same person. “It’s Brandon.” I was about to hang up on him, but I didn’t want to be rude.

“Oh hi.” I say with no expression in my voice, not sad, nor happy, just no emotion.

“Look I’m sorry about the other call.”

“You’re not sorry Brandon you never are, so stop lying to me! I get it, you feel sorry for me, or bad for me, that’s probably the only reason you dated me, because you felt bad that I had no friends, well you know what Brandon? I’m done.”

“Yeah you right I did feel sorry for you and I only called to tell you I couldn’t hang was because I have been told to not be with you anymore.” My heart breaks, my whole world stops, I was kidding about the feeling bad part, but he did feel sorry for me, and now he’s not allowed to see me.

“Then why bother—“ I stop myself, I just started crying, and then hung up the phone. I sat down in the corner where the phone was, just crying my eyes out.

Why did Brandon have to come to Hillside, why did I have to be the one to show him around? Why did I ever have to fall for him?

I was probably sitting down in the corner for a half an hour, until Anna came home, I didn’t notice her until she called my name, but I had no energy to call back. She called a couple more times. Then she came to where I was by the phone, right away she grabbed me and hugged me without even asking why I was crying. We sat there hugging for ten-fifteen minutes, until she pulled me up and walk over to the living room sofa, I followed of course.

“Now, what’s wrong, how long have you been crying for, why are you crying, and who was on the phone?” she shot all these questions, I didn’t answer for a bit, trying to get what I was going to say figured out.

“Everything is wrong, for the past hour or so, because Brandon only dated me because he felt sorry for me, and Brandon.” I said back, choking back my tears.

“Ok so tell me the whole story now, ok?” I nodded my head and began, I told her about everything that happened, from how we met to how we dated, then to when we broke up, oh and all of the fights we had. She listened the whole time, not interrupting, or questioning.

“Oh ok so he’s that kind of guy, well for one thing he probably lied about the feeling sorry part, and is there another girl back there that he could like?” she asked then it had just clicked in, another girl.. Jarin, that cow stole Brandon away from me, the day we had first entered that store.

“Great! More fricken lies!!! Ugh and yeah there’s this one girl who he fell head over heels with, even when we were dating.” I said not caring that I said Frick in front of her, but by her facial expression I probably should’ve tried to stop it from popping out.

“Oh? So he lies too, and he fell for a girl when with you, I guess we’re going for a field trip tomorrow.” She says with a huge smirk on her face. “Where does this girl live?” she asks right after.

“I don’t know but she works at this little store near the hillside.” I said, a little curious to know what she’s up to, kind of scared though.

~Authors Note~

Ok so sorry this chapter is really boring. So I was thinking that it would be pretty awesome to add some of you guys’ ideas in my story, so you can either leave a comment, or you can just message me. J

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