Chapter 20

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Skipping school probably wasn’t the best thing I ever done, but I couldn’t stand being there. I decided to walk home; I had nowhere else to go, yeah Anna or mom? Would be mad at me but if she understood so well then maybe just maybe she wouldn’t care as much, but yet again I was wrong. As soon as I walked in that door I got sent to my room like I was 10, actually no even then I didn’t get sent up to my room. It was actually the stupidest thing ever! I got a lot of text messages, by people who think I’m skipping because I’m in bed with another guy, except for Sophie she was just helping support me, unlike anybody else right now, I honestly couldn’t ask for a better best friend, she was so awesome that I loved her like a sister, only if she was my sister. I talked to Brandon a bit to telling him that I’m skipping school, and getting sent to my room, I don’t understand why she thinks this is a punishment I have all of my electronics and music. Oh well at least I’m here and not there. I’ve been up in my room since 9:13am and its now 12:02, lunch time, this means at school, more people will notice I’m not there, and start up more rumors, but it also means that I’m going to go down and eat, because I’m starving!

When I open my door quietly, and go downstairs, I hear Anna and Bob talking, sounds like they’re talking ‘bout me, of course they are.

“Bob, I just don’t know what to do with her.” I hear Anna say ending with a sigh.

“Give it time sweetie, it’s hard when your being bullied, just let her stay home for a couple of days so it all dies down.” I hear him say while reassuring her, I think he should just marry her now, I wouldn’t mind him as a foster, or step dad, I don’t but whatever.

“Yeah, but she should still go to school, and just smile and be happy.” Ii hear Anna say, again ending with another sigh. I swear she sighs a lot.

 “She can’t just act happy, have you ever been bullied?” he asks her, sounding like she’s kind of stupid. I couldn’t agree more though, even though he probably doesn’t think that but I sure do!

“Uh no? But what does that have to do with anything?”

“Babe look being bullied isn’t as easy as it looks, it’s hard for the person and having everybody hate you, it sucks, trust me.” so he’s been bullied too, I’m glad then cause now he knows how I’m feeling.

I walk done acting like I didn’t hear a thing, even though I heard most of it. I walk into the kitchen, I’m feeling for a sandwich so I get out all of the ingredients, and two pieces of bread, once I finish with the sandwich I grab an apple and head up stairs.

“What do you think you’re doing?” I hear Anna say at me sternly, she made me jump a bit, man she’s quiet.


“Why?” she asks.

“Um maybe cause I’m hungry?” I give attitude but I don’t give a shit, I’m not in the mood for her.

“Don’t give attitude now go back to your room.”

“Why am I sent to my room? For not wanting to go to school because I’m not in the mood to get called names, mom I tried this morning, but once I stepped on the school grounds, everybody was staring at me, and calling me names, so I came back here, why can’t you just understand that it hurts to get picked on and have rumors spread about you?” I say in a rush, I’m furious, I couldn’t believe her.

After my little speech she just walked away. I honestly fucking hate my stupid life, I don’t even deserve to live, everybody hates me and thinks I should go die. I just hate life.

For the rest of the day, Anna and I haven’t spoken, I don’t know what her problem is, but I guess I’m going to school tomorrow because I’m being made. Oh well I’ll just take everything everybody says to me, keep my chin up and just pretend to be happy, I know for fact it won’t work but whatever.

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