chapter 7

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I looked away fast, I’m so embarrassed I can’t believe they just did that to me. I was sitting there in silence, when the food came I took a little bit because I was no longer hungry but I forced it down. Around fifteen minutes passed and I was done, I put my plate away and ran outside. I didn’t say a word that whole time.

I was sitting on my swing when I heard footsteps coming towards me. I really hope it wasn’t Brandon I was in no mood to see him.

“Hey, um you finished fast.” I don’t know what he was trying to do but this conversation is pretty boring already.

“Yeah I didn’t have much to eat.” He came down beside me, pretty close, normally this would bug me but not with him.

“Yeah I noticed, but why were those older ladies looking at us like that?”

“Oh that, uuuuhhh I’m not sure they’re freaks.” I didn’t feel like telling him the truth, why, I can’t just tell him I like him?

“Oh well look what I brought.” He pulled out a backpack onto his lap, “we’re going back to that store I told Mrs. Whatsherface that we were going for another walk somewhere.” I gave out a little laugh at his comment about her name.

“So we’re going back? Alright I’m in, anything to get away from here.” With that we both got up and headed to the woods and back to that store.

This time on this little adventure no bear was in sight. Thank god! But this time we didn’t hold hands, which was pretty sad, but he seemed to be on a mission.

Not once has he said a word, I tried to make a conversation but it was pointless to even try. I’m starting to think he only wanted to go to this stupid store for that chick. She really bothered me, she acted like she’s all that, and so pretty like a model, I mean yeah, she’s pretty and all, but not super pretty that all guys would be drooling over her.

We saw the store a little up ahead, he started running I didn’t bother to catch up with him, but when he realized I wasn’t chasing him he stopped and looked at with me with sad eyes.

“What’s wrong?” Like he didn’t know.

“Nothing.” I faked a smile I knew that guys believe it all the time so I won’t be surprised if doesn’t notice that something is wrong.

“Rosie don’t lie to me, I know there’s something wrong you seemed sad all morning now talk.” Okay so he does know when there’s something wrong. Awesome!

“It’s nothing, I’m just, tired.”

“Bullshit you’re tired but whatever, if you don’t wanna talk then fine, let’s go.” He was almost in a yell and kinda scared me, that’s the first he’s ever swore around me, and now he’s mad but whatever he’s gonna see that chick, that I don’t like.

“Kay well what are you waiting for, let’s go already.” I rolled my eyes and he rolled his eyes back.

We entered the store, not saying anything just looking around, nothing’s changed really, just a few SALE signs, but that’s about it, even that chick is in the same spot, but when she saw us, or when she saw brandon, her face lit up.

“I’ll be right back.” I told Brandon and he nodded not really caring because all he was doing was staring at her. I went into an aisle, and watched them. They were talking and laughing, I think he likes her, a lot. Which I hated to see and realize because I like him, a lot, and now this chick is stealing him away from me.

They left to a different aisle, I didn’t follow instead I looked around I found a lot of interesting stuff there, that’s for sure. I saw Brandon and that chick coming towards this isle so I quickly went to a different one so they wouldn’t find me. I decided to wait outside by the door I couldn’t handle seeing him, with her it made me jealous.

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