Chapter 26

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hey guys! so sorry for not updating in a really long time, but i was pretty busy this weekend, sorry if this chapter sucks, its kind of like a filler, i'm not sure how many chapters are going to be left, maybe like 2 or 3, i dont know. But i hope you like this chapter, and yeah enjoy(: --Emily

Two months has passed since my birthday. Nothing special has happened, besides the fact that school has started again, ugh I is summer already. Its only October now, school is already boring, I’m only two more years till graduation, and I can hardly wait. I have no idea what I’m going to be doing in the future as a job, but hopefully it’s amazing, and fun. I’ve always wanted to be a doctor, so I’m thinking that’s what I’ll be doing.

Right now, I’m sitting in chemistry, it’s so boring! The teacher is going on about something dumb, well maybe not dumb, but I’ve already learnt this back at Hillside. I’m basically a year ahead of everyone, so really I should be in grade 11, but sadly I’m not, I’m just doing the grade 11 work. I have A’s in all of my classes; I even tutor people, which is weird, because some of them are older than me. But I don’t mind, because luckily for me I get paid.

Class is almost over in about 15 minutes, and trust me; it was the longest, most boring 15 minutes in my life! Once the bell rang, everybody made a run for the classroom.

“Rosie, please stay back, I’d like to talk to you.” Crap! He noticed I wasn’t paying attention. Once the classroom was empty, only me and Mr. B, “So you do know why I kept you back, yes?” he asked me.

“Um no I don’t sorry.” I said, my hands were getting sweaty, always happens when I’m nervous.

“You don’t? Huh okay then.” He said was his response.

“So why exactly am I here?” I asked, adding a little bit of sass in my tone.

“Oh well, us teachers have been thinking and well we think you should go to grade 11, you obviously know you stuff, and

 you’re very smart, so what do you say?” wow how ironic is that? I mean I was just thinking I should be in grade 11 and now look; I might actually be in grade 11.

“Oh haha wow, that’s awesome, can I get back to you on that?? I think I should talk to my mom and-“he cut me off before I could finish.

“Oh no need to, we’ve already talked to her, and she is completely fine with it, it’s up to you now.” He said with a smile on his face, what a creep. 

“Oh, well can I still have time to think about this?” I asked getting bored and impatient, I could be home by now, well not really, but whatever.

“Yeah, of course.” He said with another creepy smile.

“Ok great, can I go now? I’m going to miss my bus if I don’t leave” I said standing up getting ready to walk out the door, until he stopped me to talk again.

“Oh ok well you have until tomorrow for your decision and you can always get a ride with me>” he said, but this time his smile was times more creeper, geez my teacher is a pedophile.

“Uh ok, and no thanks, bye Mr. B.” with that I ran out of his classroom, to my locker than the bus. I made it just in time.

As soon as I got home I went to Brandon’s house, he wasn’t at school today, which was weird, and I bet he’s sick. When I got up to his I knocked three times, when Mrs. Winston answered the door.

“Oh hello Rosie, it’s good to see you again, Brandon is upstairs sick, but I guess you could see him, he’s not that contagious.” She said while opening the door for me to enter.

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