Chapter 27

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~3 years later~

Rosie’s POV

So here I am, I’m 18 and getting ready to go grade shopping with Sophie and mom, I can’t believe I made all this way. The last three years of my life have been amazing, even through the ups and downs. I just couldn’t believe it right now, you know that moment that you think you dreaming, but you’re really in reality but in total shock, yeah well that’s me right now. I was just getting ready to go grade dress shopping, Brandon asked me to be his date, and how could I say no? We’ve been dating for well a really long time now, like 4 years, which is crazy, most people thought we would end right away, but boy were they so wrong! I’m actually surprised as well though I mean, I’m in, or should I say, I’m basically out of high school, I don’t even know how relationships are supposed to last that long, but I guess it was just a sign, that maybe, Brandon and I were meant for each other.

So as I was saying before, grad shopping, today was going to a be a long day! Don’t get me wrong I love shopping, but for a dress, that’s a whole different story, it’s a killer to dress shop. The first bit is fun, but then it gets to the point where I want to leave, or eat. After the grade shopping I think I might just have to go into a store with no dresses, or just go home and eat everything we have. Once everybody, as in my mom, Sophie, and me, were ready to go, we left for our journey.

Once we arrived at the mall, we headed to the first dress store, and I must say, I have never seen so many dresses in one store! There were hundreds of dresses, it was a ton. They were also a pretty decent cost, so it was affordable. I think in that one store I tried on fifty, and I liked none of the dresses, it’s almost like picking out a wedding dress, it was to be perfect. I wanted a dress that screamed my name, and yes I am aware of dresses not being able to ‘scream’ but you catch my drift.

We spent an hour and a half looking for dresses, and surprisingly, Sophie already found hers, she practically fell in love with it, like love at first sight. Her dress was a light pink dress, it had a strap that went just around her neck, the top of her dress was kind of ruffled, the bottom half being slick straight, and it honestly looked amazing on her! It fit her body just right. She was going to look stunning.

After three dress stores, and no buying, I was about to give up, until we got to this one store and found the dress of my dreams, it suited me perfectly. I absolutely adored this dress; I just had to get it! And the plus side was it was cheap too, guess luck was on my side for today. The dress was purple, and blue, the top fitted my chest perfectly, the bottom was fluffed out, it was like a princess dress, but I loved it.

“Oh my gosh! I have to get this dress, I love it.” Wow guess it was love at first sight with my dress too.

“Try it on first sweetie.”

“Will do, mother.” I said, with that I took the dress and got a change room, thing, “So, how do I look?” I asked once I stepped out of the changing room, all I got was shocked faces, oh no, I looked terribly. This is bad, I fell for a dress, and I look stupid, “It looks bad doesn’t it?” I asked, I was pretty disappointed.

“No! You look stunning in, holy crap, take it off you’re getting it!” mom said, with Sophie nodding her head like a mad man, or women.

So I took it off, then we bought, thank god! Dress shopping is done!

“Ok now for shoes!” awe man spook to soon.

“You have got to be kidding me right now.” I said while walking behind, who knew shopping could be so tiring, guess that saying ‘shop till you drop’ isn’t much a saying, it was more like the truth, you literally ‘shop till you drop’ and my time to drop is coming up soon.

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