Chapter 16

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**A/N ok so i didn't edit this i just wanted to post it, so sorry if theres any mistakes but enjoy this chapter**

~Brandon’s POV~

I look at Rosie as soon as I enter the room, she looked so peaceful, but yet still scared, I wish that car didn’t hit her, I wish I was the one that got hit, she dint deserve it, I did, for breaking her poor fragile heart, then seeing me with Jarin, I don’t even like Jarin like that, her mom was right, I was just using Jarin to get Rosie off my mind, but whatever I did, she just wouldn’t leave.

It’s been a week since the incident, I visit her every day, or whenever I got the chance, even Mrs. Donovan came to see her, along with Lily; I realized that everybody back at Hillside misses her as heck, only if she knew that. After she left to live a new life, everyone was depressed or upset, only because everyone ignored her. The twins had come too whenever I watch them I always picture Rosie there with me, helping me with them, knowing she would make a great mother when she’s older.

I haven’t talked to Jarin for a week, she hasn’t even tried to contact me in any way, it didn’t hurt though, I bet she’s off with another guy right now, doesn’t surprise me, she cheated on my once before, but I was stupid enough to forgive her. I don’t know what I say in her, she wasn’t one bit of nice, she was so rude, and bossy. I’m going to break up with her, I know for a fact she won’t be hurt, maybe pissed off for a bit, but she’ll live, and she’ll have more boyfriends.

I’m sitting here at the hospital, just waiting for Rosie to wake up, and gathering my thoughts, and remembering all of those good times we shared, oh how I missed her. I just  hope she will want to see me when she wakes up, and hopefully forgive me, I know if I were her I wouldn’t forgive me, I’m such an asshole who doesn’t deserve her, but I don’t think I could live without her. I know that when your 14-15 you don’t know what love is, or ‘you don’t really love them’ but I do love Rosie and I always will, I don’t think I could live a day without loving her. I just hope she feels the same way about me, Anna told me she did, but I just hope it’s true. I love everything about her, her eyes, her smile, her amazing eyes, I even love her flaws. I never knew I would fall this hard for someone at this age but how can I not? She’s beautiful; her natural beauty is just amazing.

My thoughts about Rosie get ruined when I get a text message.

‘Where r u? I thought I was ur gf not that whore! –Jarin’

This text made me mad, how could she just call Rosie a whore, she’s the nicest girl I know.

‘I’m at the hospital. I think I need to look back on that gf thing, no 1 calls Rosie a whore, & I mean no1 –Brandon’

‘Ur not breaking up with over text r u? Cuz that’s low real low’ I laughed a bit at this conversation.

‘Yeah I am its over sorry but I never did like u it was just to get my mind off of Rosie.’ I didn’t get a message back, good thing too.

I dated Jarin for about a month, well however Rosie was gone for, and what a waste of a month that was! And I am so glad we were done, now I just hope I can get Rosie back.

*A week later* (still Brandon’s POV)

Another week has gone by, Rosie still hasn’t awakened, I’m getting worried, and what if the doters think she’s alive but really, she isn’t. id be even more sad and depressed than how I already am, it’s bad.

“Sir?” a doctor comes up behind me, which scares me a bit.

“Yeah.” I say not taking my eyes off of Rosie.

“WE have some bad news, and good news.” He says and instantly my heart drops, and my mind goes blank I look up to see the doctors face, he had a sad look on which scared me even more.

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