Chapter 28 -Epilogue

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Epilogue (6 years later)

So I’m finally out of university, I’m now a married woman, and also a soon to be mother. It all happened way to fast. I did end up marring Brandon, we had a break though between then, we called it off for a year, until we realized, we weren’t happy without each other, even though that sounds super sappy, but it’s true.

We’ve been married for two years now, and decided on having a baby, we don’t know the gender yet, but I get to find out pretty quick here. Brandon and I are very happy together, I still go visit all of my old friends from school, and Sophie and I are closer than ever. Kylie and I have become pretty close to, seeing how we were in the same university. I work for a fashion line, so I make clothes, and then sell them; I get to meet a lot of celebrities, so it’s pretty cool. Brandon is a businessman; he’s always on business trips, but not for long.

I still live in the same town as before, I’ve traveled to a lot of places, for my clothing line, or for Brandon’s business trips, so it’s great. But here I am with Brandon by my side, waiting to see if I’m having a boy, or a girl. I’m okay with either gender. If I had a baby girl, I could take her shopping and do girl things, but if I had a baby boy, Brandon could teach him how to play sports, and guy things.  

“Mr. and Mrs. Garret, it’s your turn.” The doctor called Brandon and I, guess it’s time to see what I’m having. We stood up and followed the doctor to room, “Please sit here, Mrs. Garret.” The doctor said, pointing to a chair/bed thing. I nodded my head and sat there, “Okay, so I will be rubbing this gel on your stomach, and then I will, see what you’re having.” He rubbed the gel on my stomach, which was cold to my stomach, but I just sat there.

“Wow, I did not expect this.” He said, looking at the screen.

“Expect what?” I said with a worry in my tone.

“You’re having twins.” He said I just looked at Brandon; he looked very surprised, I was too; I couldn’t believe I would be having twins.

“I am? What are the genders?” I asked.

“A boy and a girl.” He said, my face lit up, wow I will be having twins, I couldn’t believe it.

-6 months later-

So my babies were born, healthy, and small. They were the best thing that ever happened to me, next to Brandon of course. I’ve lost a lot of sleep, but I’m fine with that, mom has been helping me with a lot, a lot of people have. But my life is perfect, I have an amazing family. Brandon, Sarah, and Devon who are my lovely twins, they’re only two months old. Everything was perfect.

I would return to work once the kids are a year old, and Brandon would be off to another business trip in a couple of weeks, as much as I would like him not to be, but he has a job, and he has to go.

Even now I can’t believe how well my life turned out; it all just feels like a dream. Even though it’s not, it’s all real, real as it will ever get, and to be honest, I’m glad it’s not.

I will make sure my kids have the best lives they could possibly have, and make them feel wanted and loved, and have a childhood I never got. Because they are the best things in the world, and they deserve that. My kids mean everything to me, I won’t let them down.

I’m excited to see what life has to offer for the future, with my family and I couldn’t be more proud, of how my life went from shitty, to absolutely amazing. I regret none of my life, or having kids.

The End.

Ok so hope you enjoyed this, yeah its short and crappy but whatever, it’s done. Hop you all liked reading this. I’ll make other stories in the future but for now, have a good life. –Emily

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