Chapter 1: Mistakes and Hurting

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Just a random question for all of you: Do you guys set your accounts to scrolling mode or page mode? All my friends have page mode and then there's me with scrolling mode. 

Well here's  the first official chapter of the book! The story's getting started!

Disclaimer: Fairy Tail belongs to Hiro Mashima. I own this fanfiction, and a few of the characters.


The wind sped past his hair, causing it to flail wildly. Energy pumped his veins, his mind in a frenzy as the only thought he could muster was:

Must. Get. Away.

His eyes were keen and unblinking despite the speed at which he was going. His being flooded with determination. He didn't slow down once. His ears caught the sound of close pursuit.

"Gotta go faster," he said in a serious tone. "We can't stop now..."

They were getting closer. Sweat was visible on his face.

"Come on..."

They were dangerously close now. 


Escape was slipping past his fingers like sand. They were going to catch up.

He cursed under his breath. 

They were so close. Too close.

With a power yell, he urged to speed up even more. However, his spirit was to no avail as he could feel a whip wrap around him, tightening around his torso, making it hard to breathe. Even so, he struggled furiously to free himself. However, they were strong, and they forced him to come crashing down to the dirt path. His eyes shot open when he heard the sound of boots hitting the pavement, the steps becoming louder and clearer.

There was so escape now. None, whatsoever. 

One final footstep right in front of his fallen face prompted a terrified whimper from him. He looked up towards the angry, glowering eyes of his catcher.

For a few still moments, nothing was said. He simply looked up at the final face he'd see before his demise. But then the pursuer spoke, in a threatening and murderous tone.

"Natsu. Dragneel. What have you got to say for yourself?"


"I'm...still gonna go?"

"Tch tch...wrong answer, buddy," Lucy deadpanned. Natsu felt the fleuve d'etoiles tighten around him, and he winced in pain. 

"Lushee! Pwease be gentle!!" a voice rang from his back.

"Shut it, cat! You're just as much to blame as the flamehead!" Lucy scolded. 

"Frick, Happy!" Natsu yelled in a hushed whisper. "If you'd just flown faster, the beast wouldn't have caught us!" Lucy's eyes narrowed demonically at his words. "What. Was. That?"

Natsu and Happy yelped in pain when they felt the whip tighten further around them. "Natsu, you idiot! Apologize!" Happy screamed. 

"OKAYOKAYI'MSORRYLUCEJUSTPLEASEHAVEMERCYI'MSOOORRRYYYY!!!" Natsu pleaded, as he felt his insides being crushed. In no less than a second, Lucy realized the severity of her actions and immediately released her whip's hold on them. They sighed in relief as they lay on the ground in sheer bliss. Lucy's anger hadn't diminished, however.

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