Chapter 12: Night of Song

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Currently grounded on my phone so this laptop is my new bae. 

How's it going everyone? Are you good? Bad? In between? Sweet! Then just take the next couple minutes to forget all your worries, and enjoy some Wattpad!

Disclaimer: Fairy Tail belongs know honestly no one reads the Disclaimers, why do I even bother. Imma cheat just this once. :P

Thanks for reading!

The clicking sound of a knob unlocking rang in the apartment. The door was creaked open, allowing two male figures to step inside. Their large, black cloaks swept the floor as they walked. Storm turned around to close the door, making sure to lock it back up again. Meanwhile, Rin was taking in his surroundings as he looked all around him. 

Gray's apartment was quite simple, consisting of mainly a small kitchen, a living room, one bedroom and one bathroom. Which was perfect for one inhabitant. Now it had to house three people. 

Rin carefully sat down on the couch before leaning back and folding his hands behind his back as he relaxed. "So. Why exactly didn't he come with us?" the blue-haired boy asked. 

Storm was leaning against the front door, staring at the ground. "Why do you think?"

Rin looked towards the ceiling while twisting his mouth. "Well...I mean I think I know why, I just wanted to know if you thought the same thing."

"Well, if you were thinking that it's because he hates us, then yeah, I was thinking that, too."

Rin rolled his eyes. "You don't actually believe that though, right?" Storm frowned at the younger boy. "Why wouldn't I?" Rin sat up slightly and looked straight at Storm. "Well, what have we done for him to hate us?"

"We're breathing and alive," Storm shrugged. 

"That doesn't even make any sense!" Rin cried. "He has no reason to hate us! And it's not like we asked to stay at his place!" Storm sighed at him. "I know, Rin... we didn't do anything, but...he doesn't want anything to do with us."

"I don't believe that...'Cause if it were true, why are we still here?" Rin asked. "I mean, if he decided he's never gonna have us, we'd disappear, wouldn't we?" Storm opened his mouth to say something, but then closed it when realization hit him. "Wait, now that you mention it...Rin, you may actually have a point."

"See?!" Rin grinned.

"I'm impressed," Storm nodded. Rin's smile fell and became a bored stare. "Nice to know you think so highly of me, Nii-san."

"It doesn't change the fact that at the moment, he'd rather not see our faces."

Rin rolled his eyes. "Fair enough, I guess."

The Earth wizard shrugged his cloak off, revealing the tight, sleeveless black top he wore underneath. He stood up and looked towards Storm who had yet to move from the door, and yet to look up from the floor. 

"You look really stupid wearing those glasses at night."

"I'd imagine."

"Take them off!"

"I'd rather not."

"Well, at least take off the cloak!"

"Why would you even suggest that?"

"Okay, never mind...I should respect your bounds as an introvert."

"I'm not an introvert. You're just too much of an extrovert."

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