Chapter 16: The Book Express

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Annnnnd I've returned to the states from my two month long trip! (It's July 22 but who knows when this'll be published)

Sadly, school starts soon and I am not prepared...

Disclaimer: Fairy Tail and Nashi belong to Hiro Mashima while Storm, Rin, and Reiki are owned by Kkumri. (BTW, I realized that I adamantly said I would state this only once in the first chapter, and here I am repeating it in every chapter :P I'm smrt)

Thanks for reading!

It happened in the blink of an eye.

One moment, she was stuck in Seven's firm hold on her, wriggling furiously to break free from his grasp. This was in the guild hall.

The next moment, she was doing the same thing, but in a dark, unfamiliar cavern. 

Nashi let out a surprised cry as Seven harshly tossed her to the ground. She looked up at him with angry eyes. "Where are we?!" she demanded. "Take me back, right now!"

Seven wagged a finger at her while kissing his teeth. "Tch, tch, tch....I don't think so, Pinky."

Nashi bared her fanged teeth at him. "You little bas-

"You're here with me, and I'm not planning on letting you leave anytime soon. So get comfortable," Seven told her. He lifted his legs up, forming a criss-cross sitting position midair. Nashi's fiery gaze didn't relent. 

Seven rose an eyebrow at her. "What? Not impressed?"

"Not in the least," Nashi spat at him darkly. "Now answer my question. Where. Are. We?"

"Beats me."

"Come again?"

"Just what I said. I don't have a clue."

"Liar! Tell me!"

"I swear, lady. No idea."

"Then why did you bring me here?!"

"You'll see soon enough."

"No! I want answers right now!"

"Such an impatient brat..."

Seven got caught off guard when Nashi raced up to him and gripped his collar tightly, her face inches away from his and her gaze fierce. "What was that?" she seethed. 

"Fiesty, aren't ya?" Seven chuckled. 

Nashi growled as she roughly let go of him, causing him to fall from his midair position and collapse on the ground. "Hey! That was not very nice!" he scolded. "Neither was kidnapping me from my guild mates," Nashi replied as she turned her back to him, her eyes scanning her surroundings. 

Seven sighed to himself. "Man, what is keeping that guy?"

"What guy?" Nashi asked him suspiciously. 

The bald boy gave her a cocky look. "You'll see."

The pinkette rolled her eyes before shaking her head. "I'm not getting anything out of you, am I?"

"'Fraid not."

Nashi began walking away as curiosity consumed her rationality. She felt the urge to explore this bizarre place she was brought to. She looked back to Seven questioningly. " alright with this, Baldie? Me walking around here freely? Not gonna...tie me up or anything?"

"Huh? Oh, no need. Enjoy yourself while you can. When Beelzebub gets here, he'll deal with you. Then, you'll really be in trouble."

"Right," Nashi said, nodding slowly. Without a care, she walked away into a dark tunnel. It was killing her to not know where she was. She was determined to find out. The further she got into the tunnel, the blacker it became. It became so dark, she couldn't rely on her keen vision any longer. She lit a fist on fire to guide her way as she continued. 

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