Chapter 18: Luna's Wish

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The realization hit her like a brick.

It made her freeze in her tracks.

Her mind swarmed with troubles and worries.

Her heart pounded with fear in her chest.

All of Diana's motivation to save the village had drained away. That was the result of two reasons. One, once she reached it, it was too late. The houses had been blown to smithereens, and corpses of victims scattered throughout the town. Two, and this one would have been good to know sooner.

Magic wasn't active within the book.

Fortunately, Diana hadn't been noticed by the dragon. Yet. A part of her was commanding herself to turn back around and run. There was nothing more that could be done, as the village was a tragically lost cause. But then the reckless part of her was telling her to try. Even if she failed, she believed she had to try and fight.

Before she could make a decision, her three companions had joined her at her side. They all looked towards the scene with despondent expressions. Carla heaved a sorrowful sigh at the sight of the rubble, the dead bodies, and angry flames. "Time and time again, dragons never cease to remind us of our place in this world."

Wendy's eyes glossed as she suffered in dolor, unable to handle the calamity.

Erza was horrified by the destruction she was witnessing, all due to the monstrosity that had ruled Earthland oh-so long ago.  She clenched her teeth tightly as she froze in her spot. She'd made her decision. Something was telling her she would regret it dearly, but she would deal with that later. "Diana-

"I know what you're going to tell me..." she cut in. " And I think maybe-

"We're going to fight."

Wendy and Carla eyed the S-Class warrior with horrified expressions. "Erza, please think that statement through!" Carla cried.

That was not what she'd been expecting to hear, but Diana was more worried than relieved. "I would agree, but that was before I learned we couldn't use magic... what are we gonna do?"

If Erza didn't have an answer, she didn't make it obvious. Instead, she firmly replied.

"I have a plan."


It wasn't easy for Gajeel to admit it when he was wrong, but he knew that he was wrong. That is, wrong about underestimating the power of these Grievers. However, he argued with himself that if he'd been able to use his magic power, it wouldn't stand a chance against him. He was beyond frustrated that he was having a hard time against the behemoth of a creature. 

And it was far more humiliating that his only source of weaponry was an old and tattered baseball bat he'd picked up from somewhere within the maze's walls. What was worse than that was that it was hardly effective against the Griever. 

Gajeel was drawing a blank in his next course of action, but one thing remained clear. He wasn't letting this ugly brute harm the others. He knew he had to keep its attention glued solely to him. His crimson red eyes glared daggers into the Griever, which snarled back at him with a heinous, shrilly cry. Gajeel didn't dare blink, making sure he didn't lose the monster's focus. 

"Lily," he spoke, his eyes not leaving the Griever. "I'm gonna lead it away. Once we're far enough, you guys are gonna make a run for it."

"You're out of your mind, man!" Jet shouted. "You'll never make it out alive!"

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