Chapter 2: Natsu Here, Natsu There, Natsu Everywhere

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My fifth grade teacher taught us something years ago. Something she would always tell us whenever we were facing difficult times. She was what kept us from drowning in all of the troubles we endured in school. Her words still ring in my mind to remind me time and time again.

"Life is hard. And then you die."

Love you forever, Ms. ******. Dead serious though, favorite teacher of all time. Just thought I'd share that with you guys! XD Tell me, who's someone that's made an impact in your lives?

Disclaimer. Just disclaimer. I'm in no mood to repeat this. -_-

Please enjoy Chapter 2 of Our Time Spent Together! I see that readers were confused in the last chapter about what's going on so far, so let's just pretend I did that on purpose. Things will clear up soon!

"Mimic? That's the best you got?" Natsu mocked humorlessly. The man giggled maniacally, before leaping off of the cloud and landing gracefully on his shoes. "I suggest you deal with it, my friend. It will be the last name you remember before I take your soul." Mimic smiled eerily at the dragon slayer, his eyes looking redder than before. 

Natsu let his body be engulfed in flames. "You don't scare me," he seethed. "Honestly, I'm insulted that fighting you was marked as an S-Class request," Natsu continued. "I expected more."

The grin on Mimic's face grew wider, if possible. "You're about to see why," he said lowly. 

Mimic's body began glowing. A brilliant light blinded Natsu, making him shield his eyes with his arm. He grunted as the light stung his eyes. He heard Mimic's laughter, but it was still too bright to open his eyes. So he listened intently. Faintly, he could hear the laughter grow louder. However, at the same time, it was changing. The laughter was changing. The voice was changing. Into something he was awfully, awfully familiar with.

The light finally died down, and Natsu ventured to open his eyes. He didn't expect to see what he saw. Standing right in front of him, in place of where Mimic originally was, stood someone else.

Natsu growled, as his eyes narrowed into slits. "Well, now your name makes more sense," he grumbled. 

His response was more obnoxious laughter. Looking right back at Natsu was...himself. The eerie grin was still present, but now on the imposter's face. His own face.

Mimic, who was now impersonating Natsu, lit his fist on fire. "I'm all fired up."

"Don't you go stealing my lines!" Natsu yelled, taking the initiative and charging at the fake. He thrust his fist out, preparing a hot punch to the face, but shock filled his face when Mimic simply caught his fist with his hand. The flames had no effect on him, whatsoever. "Don't kid yourself. I'm you, silly one," Mimic explained in a teasing tone, which didn't suit Natsu's vocals. "Which means your flames are useless against me."

Mimic kneed Natsu in his abdomen, catching the dragon slayer off guard. Natsu went flying up a few feet. Mimic then daintily leaped right above him, and using his foot, kicked him back to the ground hard, causing him to make an impression on the road. Natsu grunted in pain and annoyance. He could hear Mimic about to land on him to push him further into the ground. Natsu quickly evaded the assualt, causing the imposter to land into the concave dent in the ground. 

The dragon slayer wasn't liking this so far, but he didn't let that stop him. "Fine! If my flames won't work on you, then be prepared to meet my fists!" Natsu threatened. He clenched his fists, preparing a powerful blow to Mimic's face. Much to his satisfaction, impact was made and Mimic was thrown back from the forceful punch.

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