Chapter 6: Cold and Canny

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What are your guilty pleasures? Mine are Goldfish, Cheezits, chocolate, and Wattpad.

Currently sitting in PE class, bored out of mah let's write instead!

Disclaimer: Fairy Tail and Nashi belong to Hiro Mashima. Kkumri owns Reiki, Storm, and Rin. I own the remaining characters and the plot of this book.

Speaking of which, because I don't own either of the characters above, I wanted to draw them as accurately as possible. (I failed.) But I hope Storm and Rin are looking good! Again, caNOT DrAw BoYs.

Pwease enjoy Chapter 6! Love you all!

P.S: How did this book reach #149 in #nextgeneration??? Out of 801 stories! I've never been ranked before! This is insane! Thank youuuu! XDDD

"Ice-Make: Ape!"

Emerging at the beckon of a young boy, a frozen, well-sculpted ape formed itself . Its features were advanced and the quality of it was spectacular. The young boy grinned in triumph at his accomplishment, and turned his head to face them. The smug smile on his face immediately faltered when he greeted a harsh blow on the top of his head.

"What was that, Lyon?!"

The boy, who was rubbing his head, looked up at the woman in dismay. "What have I told you? Ice-Make Magic is to be performed dual-handedly. Tell me why that is, Lyon," the black-haired woman asked her student.

Lyon grumbled to himself. "Because single-handed spells are incomplete and unbalanced..." he answered.

"Precisely," the teacher responded. "Seeing as how you understand that, I fail to see why you insist so much on disobeying my teachings," she scolded.

Lyon looked away with a scowl on his face. "Sorry, Master Ur."

As Ur continued to discipline Lyon, young Gray watched from behind. He looked at his hand, letting the lesson sink in. Two hands versus one hand...He decided to give it a try.

Gray closed his eyes, and pressed his fist against his palm. He accumulated the dormant magic energy resting within him, allowing it to release and flow. He was still getting accustomed to the feeling of having raw ethereal energy running through him, but he proceeded.

His attempts attracted the attention of his teacher and fellow pupil. Ur turned to Gray and saw the boy as he stood, channeling the magic in complete concentration.

"Ice-Make: Shield!" Gray chanted. Gray released the power and formed a solid shield, barely his size. He half-expected it to rupture in seconds, as it normally did for him. But to his surprise, it remained intact.

"Well done, Gray," Ur praised him. "You see that, Lyon? He's been my student for barely a month, and he's already raising the stakes."

"Oh, please! I learned the shield spell eons ago!" he retorted. He carried on, talking about how Gray would never catch up to his level, and how he would become a supreme wizard one day, but his boasts fell on deaf ears.

Ur approached Gray, smiling at him warmly. He didn't return it. "You're doing wonderful, Gray. Always remember that the most effective and most powerful maker magic spells can only be created with the use of two hands. Understand?"

"Yeah, yeah..."

Gray would never admit it, but he felt proud.

Proud that Ur was proud of him.

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