Chapter 17: Swallowed By A Book

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Hey everyone! And look at that! This book was updated in NO TIME AT ALL XD


Disclaimer: Fairy Tail and Nashi belongs to Hiro Mashima while Storm, Rin, and Reiki belong to Kkumri.

Thanks for reading OTST and enjoy chapter 17!

WARNING: Chapter may contain spoilers for people who haven't read the manga.

"Well. What a turn of events," Diana commented as she looked around. Her fellow ladies copied her actions.

"Where on Earthland are we?" Erza pondered aloud. 

"Assuming we're even on Earthland anymore," Carla pointed out. 

"This is definitely Earthland," Wendy confirmed. "But...something's not right."

Diana's brown eyes roamed her surroundings, taking in every detail resting in her vision. They were standing on the outskirts of a small village. There were few people dwelling in the village, but they appeared to be satisfied and content with themselves. There were fish markets, and carts stacked with hay to feed livestock. It wasn't a prospering village, but it held a homey, amiable atmosphere that everyone enjoyed.

"How in the world did we get here?" Diana asked.

"Whoever has sabotaged Fairy Tail must have activated all kinds of traps within the guild hall. I'm baffled by how we've never noticed. Those books must have triggered the opening of some kind of portal to where we are now," Erza explained.

"So how do we get back to the guild?" Wendy asked worriedly.

"First, we need to find out where we are," Carla said matter-of-factly. "Speaking of which, where is she going?"

That's when they spotted Diana, as the swordswoman trotted away down the hill that led to the village. "Wait for us!" Wendy cried as the trio began following the wandering female. 

Diana was fascinated by their new setting. She made way into the village and caught sight of a man selling shoes. "Excuse me," Diana said, grabbing the man's attention. "My companions and I are...misplaced. Would you mind telling us what this place is?"

The man smiled at her. "I can tell you're not from here. This village doesn't go by a name, I'm afraid. We also tend to seclude ourselves from neighboring regions, so we couldn't tell you the exact area, either. Then again, I grew up uneducated and I don't know very many things. I'm sorry I couldn't help you."

"Oh, no worries, sir," Diana said. "Thank you anyway."

"Have a blessed day, dear," the old man nodded with a wrinkled smile. Diana returned the expression. "And you."

She then explored deeper into the village. Erza, Wendy, and Carla caught up with her. "Well, did you find out?" Carla asked.

The blue-haired woman shook her head. "Apparently, the village is nameless. And the region is pretty unpopular. We have no leads."

"Pretty uneventful year, wouldn't you say?" a voice spoke. 

The mages turned towards a couple of teenage boys, sitting on the porch of an old, wooden house. They listened in on their conversation.

"Isn't that every year, though?" the second boy said. "Face it. Nothing happens in this village."

"Why doesn't anyone go out and travel?"

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