Chapter 23: Rampage and Tears

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Now that AP exams are over and school is coming to a close, I believe I'll have more time to update since summer is starting soon!

So look forward to that, everyone! :) How have you guys been? It's been soooo looong!!

I'm so excited to get back to writing, so let's jump right into this chapter!

WARNING: This is a loooooooong chapter!

Disclaimer: Fairy Tail and Nashi belong to Hiro Mashima. Storm, Rin, and Reiki were created by kkumri. I own Gail, Diana, Layla, and Luna.

Enjoy Chapter 23!

Once in a blue moon, the Fairy Tail guild will settle down and cease their boisterous antics if the circumstances call for that change.

Today was one of those occasions. The only sound in the guild hall was the sound of shuffling and slapping.

Two people were at a table, sweat on their brows. Their hands moved fast, their minds even quicker. Their audience held their breath to see who would triumph.

When the two spotted an opportunity, they both acted quickly. One made it. One didn't.



"Ooooh," the guild members visibly and audibly winced at one of the contender's pain.

"That settles it! The winner is Rin!" Master Makarov announced jubilantly. 

The boy attempted to whoop in joy, but it came out more as a whale's cry of anguish as Rin clutched his red hand. "Gail, what's the big idea?!"

Gail rolled her eyes. "Don't complain. At least you got it."

"Yeah, well did you have to turn your hand to metal??!! Do you know how painful that is for me?!" Rin cried. 

"Well, I figured that if you slap before me and get the stack, I might as well hurt you," Gail explained. Rin gasped. "You're evil!"

"Attaboy, Rin!" Reiki congratulated, patting Rin's shoulder a bit too hard. "I knew you had it in ya!"

"I didn't know, but good job anyway," Storm shrugged. 

"Hey, now! We demand a rematch!" Nashi, Diana, and Layla shouted. "Not happening," Storm said blatantly. "Your team lost, AND you outnumber us, so suck it."

"Oh, yeah?" Nashi challenged, pushing Gail out of the seat to take the spot. "Then go against me right now!" she said, already shuffling the cards for another round of ERS. Storm smirked at the pinkette, his bright blue eyes glinting slyly. "You sure you want that?" he asked, lifting up his mechanical arm.

"Oooooh, he just flexed on herrr!" Cana purred. 

"Come on, now! You can't use your metal arm. That's just not fair!" Nashi protested.

"Oh, and Gail using her iron hand was?!" Rin said, incredulously.

"That's enough!" Makarov cut in. "Ladies, you lost. And I'm afraid you're going to have to face the consequences," he told them, a little too excitedly. And a good few caught the appreciative look he gave the boys for their victory.

"Whhyyyyy?" Nashi whined while falling backwards from her seat and collapsing on her back in defeat.

Layla gulped. "So, Master...what was the punishment you had in store for us?"

Makarov chuckled wickedly, while the male guild members could barely contain their excitement.

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