Chapter 19: Desdemona

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Hey, everyone! Yes, yes, my updates are getting s l o w e r, and I'm sorry, but s c h o o l.

But I'm here now! Let's see. I'm officially starting this October 30. Let's see how long it takes before it gets published. XD

Disclaimer: Fairy Tail belongs to Hiro Mashima. Storm, Rin, and Reiki belong to kkumri. Everything else is pretty much moi.

On with chapter 19! Thanks for reading, and hope you enjoy! <3

A disquieting chill encompassed the ominous chamber. With an absence of warmth, and deep echoes reverberating throughout the cavern, the fortitude gave a solemn and unsettling ambiance.

The exact location of this lair was unknown, and rather unimportant. What was worthy of one's interest, however, were the individuals present in the chamber. To the unobservant eye, two figures could be identified. But there were indeed three, the third being unseen.

The tall, slender figure draped in a midnight-black cloak faced his two subordinates with a wildly sadistic look. His red eyes drifted to the general direction of the invisible servant.

"Nedra," the cold voice spoke to the girl. "What became of the task I assigned you?"

The girl was beyond fearful. She mustered up the slim courage she had within her and answered her master.

"The F-fairy Tail wizards... trapped themselves w-within the runes... we placed in the books. Yes, the books! As far as I know, they've yet to break free of the sealed enchantments...oh, but one of them is dead! That's r-right! Sank in the quicksand! Gone, that one..." she bit her quivering lip to keep it still.

Beelzebub's wicked grin grew wider. "So what you're that you utterly failed your role?"

Nedra froze.

"The wizards are still alive, correct?"

Though one couldn't see, Nedra was now hugging herself tightly, bracing herself for the punishment she knew was to come.

"In which case," Beelzebub coldly continued, "you shall pay dearly-

"Master, pardon my interruption!" Seven quickly interjected nonchalantly from his midair sitting position. Ever so slowly, the superior figure rounded on his hairless inferior. "Yes, Seven?" he questioned, feigning his patience.

"Not to question your orders, Sir, but I am curious as to why you thought that Nedra could take out an entire guild of magical wizards. And not just any guild, but Fairy Tail! Yeah, she's invisible. But how's that gonna help her against their magical capabilities? With all due respect, did you think this through?"

Beelzebub was silenced by Seven's questions. His blood was boiling from rage and humiliation at once.

"You know you can't attack me, no matter how bad you want to," Seven said smugly. "The real master told you not to."

And it was this reminder that kept Beelzebub from exterminating Seven on the spot. It was indeed true, that his master wished to keep Seven unharmed. He hadn't a clue why, but it was her orders ringing in his head that stopped him from killing Seven right then and there.

"My point being," Seven said. He groped the air for the feeling of Nedra, before finally placing his arm around her unseen shoulders. "Don't take it out on Nedra, Sir. Give her some credit for chasing the mages into the books and killing that one in the sand."

Beelzebub was seething, but alas, he wasn't allowed to express his anger. Instead, he let his sadistic grin return to his ghoulish face. "The truth is," he spoke, once again chillingly, "I highly expected Nedra to not be able to complete the task I gave her. Precisely why I created my new servant."

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