Chapter 28: The Truth Untold Part I

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Would I get copyright if I use a BTS song as the title for my next couple of chapters?

I'm gonna go with no. :)... look it fits the story, ok?

Disclaimer: Fairy Tail and Nashi are owned by Hiro Mashima. Kkumri created Storm, Rin, and Reiki. I own the remaining OCs, and trust me, many more will be introduced today.


A glorious, yet underappreciated, miracle that occurs every single day is the sunrise. The dawn. The breaking of the light. To symbolize a new day and new beginnings. So often, this event is overlooked by many as granted. But the sad reality is that everything is uncertain. That sunrise you see may very well be the last one you ever see, and you'd never know. We don't know when our time will come. We don't know what life will bring us. And that is why every single new day is a gift.

And very soon, the world will realize this.

The shy sun peaked timidly over the horizon, providing merely a glance of its light. Gradually, it rose along with its confidence as its beams shone strong. The morning light crept along every inch of the earth, as if a stain spreading along a carpet. Its warm touch neglected no piece of the land. Eventually, the sun had taken its place in the sky with all of its brilliance and marked the start of a new day.

And for some, today was an extremely special day.

Today highlighted the beginning of a new, exciting era. And that was the era... of double digits!

That's right. Today, two special people were turning ten years old.

July 7 of x809 will go down in history.

A figure was crouched as they stealthily glided across the wooden floors of the second story in their house. Their mismatched eyes caught sight of the door leading to the room of interest. The person ever so gently turned the knob, making sure to be as quiet as possible, so not as to jeopardize their plan.

Once the door was cracked open just enough to squeeze their body through, they eyed the sleeping individual, wrapped comfortably in their blankets and oblivious to their impending fate.

The trespasser grinned a fanged grin before crouching down... and leaping onto the bed yelling at the top of his lungs.


Nashi let out a spine-chilling scream of terror and surprise as an unwelcome weight dropped on her body, waking her up instantly.

As any normal child would do out of self-defense, she began kicking and screaming to try and throw the body off her while attempting to submerge herself in her sheets to cover herself from the potential murderer.

She only stopped when she heard some very familiar laughter.

Peeking from under her blankets, she saw the spiky, strawberry-blonde head of Ignis Jude Dragneel. Her brother, younger by 14 months. The boy was clutching his stomach as he continued laughing out of mirth.

Instantly, fear was replaced by rage as Nashi forcefully kicked her brother off the bed, evoking a surprised yelp from the eight-year-old. "What is wrong with you?!" she growled, upset that she was so rudely awoken.

"Come on, sleepyhead," Ignis whined, giving her a pitiful puppy look with his mismatched eyes: one brown, one black-emerald. "You've been sleeping so long, already! We're gonna be late to your own birthday party!" he reminded her.

"It's Gail's birthday, too, ya know," Nashi grumbled as she buried her face in her pillow once more. Oh, but her world wasn't so kind. Ignis leaped on top of her once more, lying on her. He began prodding her cheek repeatedly with his index finger. "Wake up. Wake up. Wake up. Wake up. Wake up, wake up, wake up, wakeup wakeup wakeup wakeupwakeupwakeup-

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