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Lamar POV

"I'm telling you baby, Jabari is behind this. His bitch as never liked us together."

Tyrrell was furious, stomping back and forth. Its been a week since that video was sent out. The video was going viral quickly. For the rest of the day, we were stuck at my house. My Snapchat and twitter and all my other social account were blowing up with fucked up messages and memes about me and Tyrrell having sex. We couldn't even walk around in the neighborhood without somebody pointing us out and cracking about the video. I tried my best to ignore the shit, but Tyrrell was not good at handling his anger. Just a day ago he got into a fight with a friend because they mentioned the video.

Also, Jabari has kind of been missing in action since the video had spread. Tyrrell instantly drew his assumption that he was behind it. I was unsure, Jabari was my best friend and I know he really doesn't like Tyrrell but I know he wouldn't do me like that.

"Baby just calm down, I know y'all don't like each other, but he wouldn't do something like this."

"why, oh cause he best friend? Damn Lamar stop being so damn stupid. You know he did this shit. When I see his punk ass I'm fucking him up."

He said finally sitting down on the bed. Before I could say something else my phone rung, checking the ID it was Jabari. Finally, I could get some answers.


"Omg, I saw the video, what the fuck Lamar?"

"What you mean, I didn't do it, so tasteless as bitch did it."

"Like everybody at school was talking about this video. Best friend, who could have done this?"

"Your guess is better than mines, but whoever did it when I found out who it is I going to fuck them up."

I said becoming mad all over again just thinking about it.

"Well, do you have an idea who could have done it?"

"I think Lily did it, trying to be on some grimy shit. I'm going to ask her about it on Monday though."

"Wow, best this is crazy, did Tyrrell see it yet."

"Girl, don't get me started on that. I'm trying right now to get his ass to calm down."

"Damn, I hate this shit went down."

"Its ok, I'm going to get to the bottom of this, but in other news, um where you?"

I asked changing gears real quick. Jabari has been nowhere to be found since this video surfaced. Like if you are to be my best friend why you not here to support me and help.

"Oh, boy my parents been tripping on me and shit. Been doing college tours, I just got back home from visiting Savannah State."

"Savannah State? College tours? I thought we had already decided that we both were going to Princeton? You know to get away from our parents and live it up."

I said reminding him of what our plans were.

"I mean yes we are, but I'm just really doing this for them. So, they won't keep bugging me about looking at different schools. Oh, but bitch let me tell you who I ran into while I was at Savannah State?"


"Lilly ass...I was like girl what the fuck."

Jabari said chuckling into the phone.

"Oh, ok...anyway what you____."

"Oh shit, Lamar I got to go."

Jabari said cutting me off. I could hear some nosing going on in the background. It sounded like a girl who had come in being all loud and alley. Before I could say ok the phone call was ended. Like ok? What was there a need to rush me off the phone? Figured it was nothing and Jabari was just being his weird self I turned my attention back to Tyrrell. Luckily he was calm laying back on his phone.

"Baby, you good?"

I said rolling over, throwing my leg across him and resting my head on his chest.

"No, but I'm calm for now."

He said I could still hear the anger in his voice. I hated when he gets mad because he stays like this for the longest.

"Baby, I'm mad too, but we got____."

"We don't have to do shit but find the fucker who did this shit and I know it is your damn bitch ass homeboy Jabari behind this."

"Ty you don't know that."

"Lamar please, how long are you going to keep defending this bitch. Like who is your man? Me or that mother fucker."

"Really Ty, don't do that."

"Nah for real, because you defending this bitch like you more loyal to him than me. So, who really is your nigga you claiming because it cant be me."

I rolled my eyes and rolled over. I was not about to start arguing with him because he wanted to be a hot head about some damn video. I know it was bad, but damn can we not fight each other.

"Oh, so now I'm the bad guy, right? Ok."

"No, you not, but I'm not going to lay here and play pick who I want to love. I love my friend and I love my man. There is no difference and I'm not putting him over you. Tyrrell you know I'm loyal to you. You are my man, but I'm not going to do this with you."

"Then don't, just stop being so stupid and admit that you know Jabari is behind this shit."

"Ty stop it for real. Just because you two can't seem to get along, don't mean I have to bash him and assume he is doing this."

Tyrrell stared me down with a disappointed look on his face. Sucking on his teeth he got up out the bed and headed for the door.

"Where are you going?"

"Home, when you are done being Jabari's bitch. Call me."

Tyrrell said his last words and left my room.

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