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Lilly POV

Ok so yea maybe I'm a little on the bitchy side of this and yes maybe this is going too far all because Lamar said something that crossed me. Ok so what, I have my reasons, and I know what this got to do with Jabari? Shit completely nothing. He just giving me a reason to why I'm doing this. Lamar don't deserve Tyrrell; the little bitch needs to be alone. So, that's why this plan to break them up just must work. If not, then I will have to result to more drastic measures.

As soon as Tyrrell arrived at the party, shit got real. Jabari was trying to back out of it, but we were now deep in it. I instantly Mixed up Tyrrell a drink and spiked it, dragging him around we were dancing while Jabari sat aside and waited. I was working it, back to back Tyrrell threw those drinks back as if he knew he could handle his liquor. Inside my head if only he knew what was in store for him. Giving Jabari the ok, I pour Ty up his fifth cup and Jabari and I headed to the dance floor. We were getting it like we were the main attraction. Then Tyrrell popped up joining us as He danced in front of me. When the song ended and another one began to play, I quickly slipped away to prepare for the next part of the plan. Letting Jabari hold it down Until I got things ready, I rushed upstairs only to be stopped by Hanna. Why the fuck was she here anyway?

"Umm, can I help you?"

"Why you and Jabari all up on Tyrrell like that?"

"Umm because it's a party, we are enjoying ourselves. You know that's something that normal people do."

I said being sarcastic with her. Stepping pass, her I headed on up the stairs.

"So, why Lamar not here, but Tyrrell is?"

"Umm, how about you go question his boyfriend and not me bitch."

"I got your bitch."

"I'm sure you do, but for now please don't get your ass thrown out my damn house. That will just cause a scene."

"Lilly you and Jabari really close lately, what yall up too?"

"Girl, nothing to you now if you excuse me. For my life I have, I must continue, enjoy the party hoe."

I said my final remarks and turned and walked away. Quickly running into my room, I rush to try to find my camera and Tripod, but it was too late. I could hear some footsteps that were not too far behind me. If Tyrrell saw me I knew he would figure we were up to no good. Quickly I ran and hid in my closet and my room door opened. Jabari Holding Tyrrell up, they stumbled into my room. Oh, this was perfect, I could record it on my phone and send it to Lamar myself. I knew If he saw it he would flip, and it would be the end of that bitch.

Lamar POV

This had to be about the most annoying night ever. Like no one was answering their phones at all. Jabari or Tyrrell. Like damn its fuck Lamar day and I didn't know? What the fuck man. I was bored in this house. It was just me all alone. My mama was out she wasn't home yet, Fuck my life right now for real. I rolled over flicking through the channels on my tv. There was nothing on but Lifetime, I fucking hate lifetime. Rolling over I grabbed my phone and decided to check my Grindr. Everyone keeps asking me why I still have a Grindr if I'm with Tyrrell. Well for night like these, and besides I'm not like really talking to someone where I'm cheating on Tyrrell I just like to have friends. Nothing wrong with that. As soon as I open my app up I have a message in my inbox, clicking on it. It was from this guy I been talking to for a minute now. Hid username was DaddyDre, he has yet to tell me his real name and we been talking for a little over a year now. I'm not going to lie, I love talking to him because I can talk to him about anything, I call him my little diary.

"Hey sexy, been a minute how you been?"

I read his message. Ok, I was geeking like some chick over her crush, but It was really nothing.

"Its only been a week, but nothing how you?"

"A week is too long when I can't talk to you. I have been good, just missing you."

"Awe you miss me, I miss you too then."

"Good you better have, or I was gonna make a trip to your city and get you right."

"Yea I don't think my boyfriend will approve of that."

"After I'm done with you, Ima be your new boyfriend."

He was so cocky, and I was loving it, He always tries to get edgy and test me about my relationship, yes, he respects it, but sometimes he does like to try it. Just when I was getting ready to reply to him, I got a facetime request from Hanna. Lord this girl won't give up.


I said dryly answering her video. She looked like she was at some party, now I was really confused on why she was calling me then. To find a quiet space she walked into a bathroom and sat on the sink.

"Umm, can you explain to me why you are calling me."

"Yes, it's Tyrrell."

When she said his name, my whole demeanor changed. Fearing something has happened to him or something because he was not answering my calls or texts.

"Ok, what's wrong with Tyrrell?"

"He is here, at the party. Why didn't you come?

"Party...What party?"

"The one Lilly throwing for all the seniors."

"Girl I didn't know there was a party going on, hold on wait you said Ty there?"

"Yes, he is here and something fishy is going on because he with Lilly and Jabari, and I not too long ago seen Jabari and him go upstairs, Lamar you need to get here like asap."

"Oh, I'm on the way."

I said quickly hanging up the phone. If it was a party I knew Lilly was throwing it at her house. I hurried and threw on some clothes and grabbed my keys and bag and ran out the door. Lilly lived on the other side of the school where the majority was white people. She was always the uppity type, I was in a rush, I rush as fast as I could riding on my old bike I use to ride to school on. I had a hell of a lot of shit running through my head. Like why the fuck was he at this party without me? Hell, what he was doing with Lilly? Let alone with Jabari. My legs were burning like hell, but I peeled as fast as I could to get to this party.

Reaching her house moments later, I was panting harder, but I couldn't stop, Luckily Hanna was standing outside as I rolled up jumping off my bike.

"Where is he at?"

"I struggle to say as I rushed past her into the house."

"He upstairs Lamar wait___."

"Girl fuck no Ima kill his ass."

I said storming up the stairs and Hanna was right on my tail. I burst through every room door until I got to the last one. I was seeing red and I was ready to raise a war.


I stopped in my tracks as my mouth dropped to the floor. I couldn't believe the shit I was seeing. Rushing from behind me Hanna's eyes grew, and mouth dropped too.


I yelled because I just caught Jabari on all fours in doggy but ass naked while Tyrrell delivered him back shots. I couldn't believe this shit.

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