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Jamie POV

I never thought I would be this much hell Living with my mom and her new man. How I was wrong, especially when her new man was a guy you were messing with before. I was feeling like a prisoner in my own house. Wallace was around every corner. Watching me, always in my business. It was driving me crazy. Not only was he with my mama and sleeping with her every other night. He was still messing with me. I tried to break it off with him several times now, but each time I tried he would just threaten me and demand sex from me. I didn't fight much back for the sake of my mama. The last time we fought he threaten to hurt my mama. I was too afraid he would do something to her.

"So, you just gonna hog the remote, like you not even watching nothing."

I said to Tyrell sitting over in the chair with the remote in his hand starring at his phone.


"Bruh, the fuck you want?"

"Oh, shit well nothing but the damn REMOTE!"

Tyrell chucked the remote at me hitting me in the chest. Grabbing myself I snatched the pillow from behind me and threw it at him causing him to drop his phone.

"Man, nigga you play too fucking much!"

"Nigga me! You the fucker over here in la la land over Lamar."

"Shut the fuck up!"

He said charging at me. Jumping up we got the tussling like big ass kids. Going jab for jab falling on to the sofa. I could hear mama and Wallace yelling as they ran in to stop us.

"What the hell is going on!"

Mama yelled as they pulled us apart.

"Why in the Jimmy fuck is yall I here tearing up my damn house?"

"Because Tyrell got his ass on his shoulders!"

"Fuck you!"

Tyrell said starting to push mama out the way to get at me. I was just as mad as he was as I tried moving Wallace out the way to get at him. Lifted into the air Wallace carried me out of the room and up to my room. I could hear mama going off as I was carried away.

"Nigga let me go!"

I shouted trying to wiggle out of Wallace grip. Shutting the room door behind me he slung me on to the bed like a piece of clothing.

"Nigga what the____."

"Shut the fuck up."

Wallace though his teeth. Looking at his hands they balled into a fist. I quickly calmed down becoming fearful of his demeanor.

"I swear yall young cats just don't know how to act these days."

He spoke standing there staring me down with his arms folded.

"You don't know nothing about me to judge me."

"Oh, I know enough."

"You can leave now,"

I said rolling my eyes. Turning over in my bed I put my face in my pillow as I blew into it releasing my frustration through exhaling my anger. Mad at Ty I just needed something to do.

"Your mama just texted, said she took Ty for a drive she will be back a little later."

"Good because I was on my way back down there for my round."

"Yea, you just need to chill out."

I heard him said followed by me feeling his hand rubbing on the back of my calves.

"Ok, cool I will but you can go now I'm good."

I said sitting back up pulling my legs away from him. I saw the twinkle in Wallace's eye I knew exactly what he was trying to do.

"Come on now, you know I'm not going nowhere."

"Wallace for real I just___"

"I don't think this is the best time to leave you alone by yourself."

He said as he sat down and scooted close to me. I balled up more holding my legs close to my chest. Wallace has that hunger for me in his eyes and I was cornered.

"Wallace please, you with my mama no."

"Sssshhh, she won't find out, come here."

He said getting on his knees crawling up to me. Panicking I was frozen and couldn't move as he made me lay on my back. Getting between my legs Wallace towered over me with a crazy look and smile on his face. Leaning down he gave me a kiss on the forehead. Pulling my hand, he placed at his gym shorts.

"You feel that somebody want to see you."

"Wallace please."

"Sssshhh baby, let me take care of you."

Wallace whispered as he unbuttons my pants. Pressing his lips against mines he kissed me. I was pressing in his chest as he made his way to my neck and kissed on my body. Pulling my pants down, Wallace was not stopping as he took control handling my body. Gently biting me on my shoulder he moaned. Cuffing me by my thighs he lifted them up a bit as he laid there on top of me brushing his hard-on against me.

"Damn I miss you baby."

He whispered more as he grinded on me harder. Exposing me, I didn't have on any underwear. Grabbing my dick Wallace stroked me causing me to get hard.

"Mm, you miss me to baby. Tell me you miss daddy."

He said looking down at my semi-hard dick. Pulling down his shorts Wallace dick popped out ready for action. He was hard as a brick. Sucking on his fingers he rubbed on my hole. I tensed up because I didn't want him to do it. Grabbing his dick, he pressed and patted on my hole. Pushing at it, I was trying hard not to let him in.

"So, you don't want this dick?"

"Wallace please, I don't want to do____."

"Every time we got to do this huh?"

He said squeezing my throat. I was gasping trying to breathe and he just squeezed harder.


I struggle to say.

"Mhm, then act right for daddy."

He said as he pushes again at my hole. This time I gave in as I could feel my breathing running out. Poking at me, his tip enters me, and I gasped again as he slowly inched the rest of him in me. Letting my throat go he put his hands in my hands and held them down to the side of me.

"Mhm, just like that baby give it to me."

He said as he began to trust himself up in me. Laying there catching my breath I was feeling lower than low that Wallace had control over me and there was nothing I could do about it.

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