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Jamie POV

"Jamie, I'm going to the store and then I'm going to head over to Jessie house to help her out with planning her daughter baby shower, you need anything while I'm out?"

My momma asked me rushing out the kitchen to the living room. What I wanted was not going to happen anyway so why does it matter.

"Jamies, you hear me____."

"I'm good ma, I don't need anything."

"Mm, Look Wallace upstairs sleep he gotta work tonight. So, if you have company be mindful."

"Oh, so now he papa Wallace now. Huh?"

"Boy, excuse you?"

She said approaching me taking her purse from off her shoulder.

"Nothing mama, just go enjoy yourself."

"Oh Ima enjoys myself alright, Child I swear yall young folk be forgetting who done raised yall sorry asses."

Momma fussed as she headed out the door. Walking over to the window I watch her pull out and leave. The house was all quiet and I wasn't liking the fact that it was. Knowing that nigga was up there I had the right twisted mind to just go up there and fuck his face up with a bat. That dirty ass bastard. Thinking to stir up some shit, my phone went off vibrating in my pocket. It was my new trade I been entertaining for about a month now. He was so sexy and red.


"Hey boy, what you want?"

I said into the phone all ghetto trying to act like he was bothering me.

"Oh, so that's how you answer my phone calls now."

"Whatever, but nah whats good though."

"Shit nothing, sitting here wondering why you ain't over here on this dick right now."

I quickly put the phone on mute and made a lil squeaky sound like a lil thot jumping up and down in one place. He knew exactly what to say to turn me on.

"Boy, you crazy...why you ain't call one of your other hoes."

"Because I don't want no hoe...I want you."

I could have melted like snow. I loved the way he talked, his voice so damn deep make me forget that I am a boy at times I been too wet and ready for him.

"Anyway, you gonna come to pick me up?"

"Only if I get to blow that back out."

"better have a condom this time."

"Ight, I got you. Ima pull up in about a couple of minutes."


Saying our goodbyes, I jumped up and down again and ran upstairs to get prep. I wanted this bussy all right for him, because I know he was good for dicking me down.

"Mm, Damn...That ass is juicy looking."

Startled I quickly jumped up and spun around to see Wallace standing in my doorway. I was in my jockstrap just about to do a quick douche.

"Oh hell nah, out now for real."

"Why you tripping like that, so now you don't fuck with big daddy no more."

"Umm, yes nigga get out my room now!"

"Calm down baby, now why you doing me like that."

Wallace said slowly approaching me. The nerve of this bastard to think that I would ever be cool or cool with him. I turned around to grab my towel and felt his hands slide around my waist and connected in the front. Backing me up on him, he placed a kissed on my shoulder.

"Now why you fronting on me?"

"Nigga let me go and get out my room. You are a fucking dog."

"Ok, and how is that?"

I leaned to the side some looking back at him like was he serious right now. Like that just did not come out his mouth. Breaking free of his grip I walked over to my closet to retrieve some clothes.

"So, we really doing this now."

"NIGGA!!! For real? No like for real, are you that dumb? All this time We have been spending together and you been fucking with my mama."

"In my defense, I didn't know that's was your mama. Besides, I'm not really with her."

"Huh?! What you mean you not really with her?"

"I mean, like I'm only with her to be with my baby."

Wallace said giving me a grind.

"So what you saying is that you fucking with my mom to be around me. Nigga what the fuck?!"

"Well what you wanted me to do, you just stop communicating with me . One minute we good the next we not. I missed you and want to be with you so I got with your mom to get you."

"Oh wow, nigga you are crazy."

I said sarcastically, turning back to the closet. Laying them out on the bed I took my towel off my dresser and made my way to the bathroom. Wallace was steady going on behind me trailing me into the bathroom. I just tried to keep my cool and block him out but he was being relentless.

"So, you getting ready for?"

"My, current nigga."

"So, you done moved on and done with me."

"The smartest thing you did said this whole damn time."

I said trying to go and shut the door in his face. Stopping it with his shoulder, Wallace walked into the bathroom pushing me back and shutting the door behind him.

"Look nigga can you____."

"Shut the fuck up."

Wallace said with some base in his voice. He was giving me an unpleasant stare as if he was ticked off about something. Without any notation, he quickly grabbed me by my throat and started to squeeze it. I freaked, trying to free myself he just squeeze harder.

"I don't know who the fuck been in your head, but bitch...you just don't quit me. I will fucking kill you in this bitch and make it look like a suicide."

He said growling through his teeth at me. Finally letting me go I gasped and coughed choking trying to breathe.

"Nigga you crazy!"

I struggle to say trying to take in the air.

"Yea, so I suggest you be a good little gay boy and make sure that ass back home tonight. Need some of that good ass tonight."

"Fuck you, I don't have to do shit."

I said barking back at him standing my ground.

"You right, but I will show you better than I can tell you. Mm, who would have thought I can fuck the mama and the son."

Wallace said stepping back out the door biting his bottom lip. I don't know what was going on in his head, but now I fear it is not something nice.

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