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Hanna POV

I know I'm not like Lamar best friend, but I feel about what happen with Tyrrell and Jabari at the party the other night. By the way he was walking around school, I could tell it was eating at him too. Plus, to add on to the drama, Lilly was taunting him about it after school. Yea, a fight kind of broke out, but Lilly deserved her ass whooped. Hell, I still wanna fight her some more and I know she was behind the whole Jabari and Tyrrell situation. Hell, she might be the person who did the recording of Lamar and Tyrrell that got leaked. Lilly can really be a fucked-up bitch and It was time for somebody to check her on her shit for real.

"Ok Hanna, now I only agreed to come because Tyrrell keeps popping up at my house and he won't leave me alone."

Lamar said playing in his phone. We were heading to go grab a bite to eat and then over to the park to hang out with a few mutual friends. Lamar hasn't really had a friend lately and so I figured why not be there for him. Even though he does act like he does not like me, I know he like the friendly gestures I have given and shown.

"Girl, ok why you keep being nice to me though. Why you not out here acting like Lilly and that bitch Jabari."

"Because I see you hurting and I know I been hanging with Lilly like forever, but I am not like her and I really would like us to be cool. Plus, noticing how Jabari been, yea I think you can use a friend. A real one."

I said politely as we pulled up at a wing stop. He is looking at me with a look as if he still wasn't trusting me, but he still came. As we got out, the place was packed with people. Well it was lunch time and I'm sure most these people were trying to grab and go while it was there lunch break. After ordering our food we Found a table to enjoy our meal. It was acquired, Lamar was still in his phone the whole time and I would only try to make conversation, but Lamar had few words to say.

"Ok Lamar, I know you may not team friendship right now with anyone, but damn dude can we not be so rude right now."

I finally said becoming frustrated with the way he was acting.

"What, you mean?"

"Dude like you sitting up here in your phone. You been in your phone the whole time since I picked you up."

"I'm doing something..."

"Oh, please you don't have that much in your life right now where you have to ignore me. Like damn! Look I'm not your fucking enemy Lamar, whether you like it or not, I here for you."

I added on to say to him. Voicing my frustration with him he sits was not hearing me. Growing pissed, I reached over and snatched his phone from out his hands.

"Girl are you FUCKING___!"

"Go ahead make a scene and see how quick you get thrown out for real."

"Hanna give me my phone back, seriously I don't have time___."

"No, you do, at least I got your undivided attention now."

"Ugh, girl what you want with me?"

"Nothing but damn can I get some respect please."

Rolling his eyes, he sat back down in his chair and crossed his arms staring me down.

"What, like what you want you got my attention now."

"Thank you, that's all I asked."

I replied sliding his phone back to him. Finally, we could talk. After eating me and Lamar was none stopping talking. We were talking about everything and surprisingly we had a lot in common and our number one thing was that we both could not stand Lilly ass. Pulling up at the park, we headed over to a picnic table and sat down and chatted more.

"Thank you, Hanna, like for real thank you."

"Ok for what though?"

"Just this, I was feeling alone for real like I didn't have a friend, but you been nothing but a friend to me. I am so thankful for that."

"Awe, Well I just______."

"Just trying to still my best friend hoe!"

Said a loud voice. Looking over Lamar shoulders we saw Lilly and Jabari walking over. Like damn can we have one day away from the bull shit.

"Hey hoe and hey best friend."

Jabari said as he walked up on us popping on some gum. I looked at Lamar and I could see him boiling inside. This was no place for them to get the fighting.

"I said hey best___."

"Bitch don't say a got damn thing to me hoe. For real."

Lamar said turning around facing them.

"Oh, Jabari I think he still made about you riding Ty dick."

"Girl Lilly shut up please we don't need no drama!"

I said standing up from the table. I was at my whist end with her and all this petty shit she been doing lately.

"Um, nobody you can continue to not exist. When I call for you then you can____."


I didn't waste no time coming over the table on her. I thought I could keep my composure, but I couldn't. Her mouth was running to much I was needed to close the bitch up.

"Stupid bitch GET OFF ME!"

I was down on top of her ass swinging crazy. My fist kept connecting to her head and face. I could hear the yelling, people were screaming world star and they are fighting. I looked up and saw Lamar was right to far behind me with the same idea, he was handing Jabari his ass on a sliver platter. We both we were going in, Lilly managed to grab hold of my hair and flip me over. Holding on tight, we both scrambled to our feet. Hands full of hair, yanking each other back and forth. Every now and then I would swing popping her in the face. She was in rage yelling like some crazy white girl.


She yelled but I was not giving no fuck now. Her face was bleeding because I busted her nose. I was swelling up bleeding from her scratching my face. I saw Lamar was going full throttle on Jabari, they had felled over knocking over a trash can. As people crowd around us Everyone was recording us. Finally, I guest it was getting out of hand because I saw Jabari throw the trash can at Lamar, people started to pull us apart.


"Girl yea what the fuck ever hoe! You mad I whooped your ass again bitch!"

I said trying to wiggle out of this random guy arms. I would have gotten her ass again but them we heard the cops, and everybody took off. Just like some black people. Cranking up the car, me and Lamar pulled off speeding away. We were laughing the whole ride home. If this didn't bring us closer, then boy what the hell will.

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