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Lamar POV

Ok, so my absence has kind of took an effect on people and I didn't know. Jabari and I talked for what it felt like was for hours, Finally squashing things between us. He told me everything how Lilly was the brains behind everything that happened. I was still twisted about it because he allowed this good for nothing bitch manipulate him into doing me dirty. I forgave him for the most part but he would have to work on gaining my trust back as a friend. The shit was still foul a the end of the day.

Come to find out after I left with Andre, Lilly dropped Jabari like a bad habit. They both ended up at the same University and lilly treated Jabari as if he never existed. I feel a bit of sorrow for him, but that was overpowered by a huge thought of that what he gets for doing me wrong. Jabari told me how Tyrrell has been not the same. For the most part, he did end up dating someone else but due to the fact that he has developed this weird friendship with Jabari now, He still speaks about me to him. Even with telling me the news about him I didn't care. I was happily in love with someone better.

"Mmm, well sucks to be him." 

I said standing up and dusting myself off. Looking over across the way I spotted Hanna and Jabari boyfriend James jumping on yet another ride. Damn they done rode and re-rode everything about twice now.

"They ass gonna be so damn tired afterward."

I cracked on how Hanna and James were acting. 

"Yea...but seriously Lamar I really I didn't mean to let things go that far."

"Its ok Jabari, fucked up but ok. To be honest I got a great thing out of all of this and that is Andre. He is the best thing that could have ever happened to me."

"Ok, but what about Tyrrell. For real like you, don't love him no more?"

"Well no, I don't. I only love Andre now. What I and Ty had was cute high school stuff, but Andre and I are lovers real ones."

Jabari leaned back a bit giving me a crooked look as if I was talking crazy. I could really care less about how he felt about it. I was with Andre and he makes me happy. 

"Hey yall, I don't know about yall but I can go for some real food now."

Hanna said as she and James walked up to join us. Agreeing we all could use something to eat we decided to leave the fair and go for some pizza. Hitting the local pizza Parlor down the street we order a big deep dish pizza and we all sat around joking and talking about our current life situations. 

"Well at least Andre parents are cool with you and him being together, James still won't let me meet his parents."

Jabari said rolling his eyes and James.

"Bruh I told you they not like your parents. I haven't even told them about me yet."

"Well don't you think you need to though James. I mean yall been together for a little minute now. That's like technically hiding your boyfriend from them."

I said adding to Jabari small fire.

"Oh so its get on James case day, man yall tripping I will talk to them."


"When I think its the right time. Don't worry baby I got you."

James said reassuring Jabari he will make the effort to talk to his parents. Giving him a peck on the lips me and Hanna made sickly faces and rolled into a chuckle. Enjoying myself with everyone my phone was going off and It was Andre. My heart started to bubble with excitement. Jumping up from the table I headed out the door to answer his call.

"Hey, babe."

"Hey sexy, what are you doing?"

"Nothing just left the fair at a pizza place getting pizza and Hanna and Jabari. What are you doing?"

"What who? Wait you with Jabari? How did that come about?"

"OK twenty-one questions and yes Jabari. I bumped into him at the fair. We had a crazy long talk and now we eating pizza together."

"Baby I know you, mean , well and I know____."

"I know baby and don't worry I forgave him but I'm not stupid I am keeping my guard up still. He was my best friend I think I should give him at least a chance to do right by me."

I said looking through the window over at our table watching Jabari fuss with James.

"Well ok, I hope you know what you doing, but when you coming home I don't think I can last much longer with your mama she killing me with the Lifetime movies."

Andre sounded as if he was being held hostage and forced to watch lifetime. 

"Your so silly, but I should be home soon I just got to get Hanna Home and then I am on my way ok?"

"Ok baby I love you."

"I love you too."

I giggled right before hanging up. 


I heard my name called. Why was this happening to me today did I have to bump into all the old people I use to know. Looking up from my phone I face eye to eye with Tyrrell. He was standing there cold from the cold breeze you could see his breath in the cold air.


"Hey, how...how are you?

Tyrrell stuttered.

"I'm good...and you?"

"Happy now I bumped into you. It's been a minute. How have you been?"

He said stepping closer to me and I took a step back.

"I have been good, living with my boyfriend in New York you know."

As soon as I mentioned the word boyfriend I could tell Tyrrell whole mood had changed.

"Oh, boyfriend...so you seeing someone now."

"Yea, we been steady for almost a year now. Andre, you know you remember him."

"Yea, yea I remember. So what you in town for?"

Tyrrell asked trying to change the subject.

"Just here for a couple of days visiting my mom. That's it."

"Oh ok that whats up, well can I get your number I____."

"Nah no, I don't ....yea I don't think that's a good idea, Tyrrell."

I said denying him.

"Why not, I just wanna catch up with you."

"Yea no, we don't need that interaction at all."

"Bae come on, we not cool enough to talk."

"Well first I'm not your bae, so let's remember that and second, yea we just not cool like that you know."

I spoke standing there shaking cause it was cold and was getting colder.

"Lamar, I just wanna_____."

"Yea its cold Ty I got to go, but it was nice running into you."

I said as I turned and rushed off back to rejoin everyone. My whole mood was changed because Tyrrell was two tables down from me staring me down the whole while we were there. After a while, we finished our meal and I was ready to leave. I dashed to the car not stopping for nobody after saying my byes to Jabari and James. The car ride was a bit silent. Hanna didn't even bother to ask me what was going on. Saying bye to her I rushed home and ran to Andre's arms.

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