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Lamar POV

Giving it been a couple days the video scandal slowly began to die down, but people was still picking at it though. Now everyone was either talking about me or they were trying to hit it. I was being labeled with all kinds of labels like I was queen slut of the year. All because I was having sex with my boyfriend my whole life at school I was marked as the thot. I hated how this day and sge would just make shit up about you and run with it. But, its whatever though, these bitches quick to talk shit but no one wants to step to me and run me a round.

"Ok, yall I want them reports on my desk tomorrow I'm not playing, yall will not graduate."

My teacher said as we all got up grabbing our things because the bell had rung. Walking out the classroom I headed to my locker, it was time for lunch and I needed to be alone. I haven't talked to Tyrrell since our little fight and Jabari been yea he been acting very strange lately. After grabbing my tray, I headed over to my usual spot where me and Jabari would normally eat. Figuring if he come he know where I would be.

"Um, is this spot taken?"

Said a female voice. I looked up and it was Hanna. I don't know what the tea with this girl was, ever since that day she clicked on Lilly she been like around me. Like we cool or some shit, but I was a bit lonely sitting by myself.

"Nope, you can sit here."

"So, how you honey?"

"Girl, what is your Tea?"

"What you mean?"

"Like, every since that day you told Lilly off, like you been trying to be my friend like I don't like you like that."

Hanna smiled and laughed showing off her teeth. I was getting annoyed because I didn't see what was so funny.

"Lamar, I know you don't really like me like that because who I was rolling with, but I'm nothing like Lilly. I never did have a problem with you, I think you are cool and way more of a better friend than Lilly could ever be. I just want to get the chance to know you and hopefully, we become friends."

She said sounding sincere. Now I felt like an ass, she was right Hanna never crossed me like Lilly would she would just pretty much stand there and be her peanut gallery. Hanna, she was always the quiet one among Lilly's entourage of followers. SHe never spoke unless spoken too and really didn't talk to anybody but Lilly. So why now, she all bold and wanna be cool with me?

"Besides one thing you could never do is sit alone at lunch, is a popularity killer."

"Girl all that went out the door when that video got out."

I said rolling my eyes.

"Yea, about that I'm so sorry that happen to you."

"Yea, now bitches can't keep my name out their mouths and niggas wanna be some big dogs now."


Shouted out some random ass nigga from another table beside us.

"See what I mean."

"Boy, ignore them, its all fun and games with them. Niggas will be niggas."

"Yea, and a bitch still a low down dirty bitch, and I know Lilly who did it. I swear I will lay hands on her."

I said balling up my fist and banging on the table and just as I spoked her name here she emerged right before my eyes with Jabari wrapped around her arm. Like clearly, I was not seeing this shit.

"Hey best friend."

Jabari said waving and smiling.

"Um and who best friend, because clearly it's not me."

"See told you the bitch will not like it."

"Um, you don't need to be saying a got damn fucking thing to my friend anyway bitch!"

I said raising from my sit pointing my finger at her. Hanna quickly jumped up pulling on me, pulling me back. I was two seconds from snatching everything plus them fake ass eyelashes she had on.

"Lamar can your chill damn."

"Me chill, bitch why you with her. I'm your fucking friend."

"Ok, we gotten cool, I told you we meet while we were touring schools damn nothing major hoe."

"Oh, bitch I know you got to be delirious or some shit. I don't like that bitch and you don't need to too. She nothing but a fucking snake."

"Bitch your mama a fucking snake."

Lilly shot back at me.


I said trying to leap over Hanna head to get at Lilly. Then I felt a stronger person bear hugging me and lifting me up into the air. Looking around it was Tyrrell carrying me away.

"You stupid ass bitch, my mama hoe I got your duck ass and Jabari bitch you something else I swear."

"Oh, please Lamar, anyway I will text you later. Bye."

He said waving me away and sitting down at the table with Lilly. Hanna was Trailing behind me and Tyrrell as he carried me out the cafeteria. I was too pissed, and I was even more angrier that yet again I was stopped from dragging this bitch by the hairs of her chin.

"Ty let me go!"

"Then calm your ass down."


I yelled, and all that did was draw the attention of the security guards and the assistant principal.

"Umm, do we have a problem here people?"

Said the Assistant Principal Ms. Smith.

"Oh no ma'am, we don't we just calming a friend down."

"I am fucking calm but I'm going to beat that bitch ass."

"Um, sir I will need for you to watch your mouth please."

"Man don't fucking say nothing to me for real, and Ty let me go that bitch been trying me for the longest."

"Alright that's it, Lamar come on."


I grunted as the Security snatched me out Ty hands and Escorted me behind Ms. Smith to the office. See this be that shit. Yet again I'm in some shit that this bitch done caused and nobody will let me touch this hoe. Plus, now, Jabari running with this bitch like, What the FUCK!

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