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Jabari POV

"Nigga is you out your got damn mind no! Ima look like a walking garden in that."

I said fussed at Jame, he really had tried me just then. We at a clothing store trying on outfits for an upcoming party. James found this Floral button-down shirt that looks like it was for going on vacation.

"Babe, I think it will look good on you. Just try it on."

"No, for one it has big flowers on it, two it's a button-down, and three that color does not go with these timbs. Try again, nigga."

I said refusing to try on the status killer.

"Damn bruh, I swear you got to be the gayest nigga I have ever had with."

"Because of Im a real one. I wouldn't be caught dead in that."

"Yea yea, whatever nigga find your own shit then Ima go wait for you upfront and hurry up I'm fucking hungry."

"Ok, but you can also watch that fucking tone too."

I said as I shut the dressing room door and turned back to the mirror Posing like I was on a Magazine cover. A few moments later I finally decided on an outfit that I wanted and headed to the checkout. As I bent the corner I saw James chatting it up with Lamar and his current man Andre.

"Ugh, fuck my life."

I whispered out to myself. Seeing Lamar standing there made me reflect back to the conversation I and Tyrrell had. Looking at them, Lamar seems happy but the connection does also seem distant. This was going against everything I was working hard to rebuild with Lamar, But yet my was once best friend didn't get the chance to live the life he wanted with Tyrrell because of me and my selfish ways.

"SO, you just gonna stand there or you not gonna say, hey bitch?"

Breaking my deep thought Lamar was standing in front of me.

"Oh bitch, my bad child I was trying to see how I'm gonna get James to buy my outfit."

I said thinking of something quick to say.

"Ok I like it, were you wearing this too?"

"To this Kick back James cousin throwing. I wasn't gonna go but, he begged me enough so I figured why not get cute and stunt on me some basics."

"Damn, ok that's cool. I could use a good kickback to keep me from all this crying and being emotional."

"Umm, fuck wrong with you?"

"Nothing, I'm just being a big ass baby because Andre has to leave back to New York tonight. He has some family fly in up there for some type of family reunion he says and he wants to be there."

"Well, why you not going with him?"

"Because I'm down here to visit mine. So, I told him he could go and I would be back next Tuesday."

Lamar said fiddling with his coat jacket.

"So, yeah that's why we out and about right now to spend this time together."

"Shit what you need to be doing is getting his ass back home and spending some real time together."

I whispered to Lamar stretching my eyes.

"Jabari, you so fucking nasty!"

"Well, shit I'm just saying."

"Nigga, no...besides we already did that this morning."

"Oh, but I'm nasty."

"Chile, we went good for about two hours. Until I heard my mama walking around. After that, we went for breakfast now we doing a little bit shopping before we head back to the house for some more activities."

Lamar said sticking his tongue out as we dapped each other up laughing.

"Jabari! Bae can you come on I'm hungry."

James shouted out, standing over there by Andre. He acts like I wasn't hungry too.

"Anyway, you should come out with us tonight though. I know you can use it after he leaves. Come drink something and we fuck it up on the dance floor like Old times."

"Yea its sound like a plan just text me the time and location."

"Oh, We will come  scoop you up."

"Ok bet, but let me let you go before James beat you up in this store."

"Chile I ain't worried about him, but ok Lamar Ill see you later."

Giving him a hug I headed to the register as he walked out into the ocean of clothing. Leaving the store James and I headed to the Rodeo for some burritos. Luckily we ran into his cousin that is hosting the kickback for tonight. James totally zoned out on me drawing his attention to his cousin. I was ready to blow, but he was saved by Tyrrell calling me.

"Boy, why are you calling my phone? We, not friends."

"Ok, see this what I don't get, why you got to be so damn rude to me all the time."

"What you want Ty, I'm with my nigga."

"Ok and, but anyway I was calling to see what time is the kickback."

"It's at ten nigga, I thought I texted it to you."

"Well, you didn't. Now, what about____."

"He is coming to the party, Ty."

I said cutting Ty off cause I already know what he was calling about.

"Ok, but are you sure."

"Positive, Andre is leaving tonight and Lamar has been all choked up today about it. So I invited him out to the kickback I will be picking him up."

"Good, that's what's up."

"Look, Ty, before this shit blow up I'm serious about all of this. You are putting me in a bad spot. Now Lamar doesn't know about you coming to this kickback. I think you probably have one shot at this but that's it. Lamar told me he was leaving back to New York next Tuesday and it's Wednesday."

"Damn, well all I need is tonight, I just want to get him to talk to me. I know he still loves me and I know he misses me."

"Yea, cute and all the love romance shit but the one I love is currently looking at me like he wants to fatten my bottom lip so I will see you at the kickback. Bye."

I said hanging up on Tyrrell. I swear when I think I made it out the water. Somebody pulls me back in.

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