Chapter 2

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The next morning, Dad had to go into work early because of some animal attack a few towns over, so our house was awake and buzzing with activity by 6:30.

“Bye, Dad. Love you. Make sure you eat. Be careful,” I said, taking a short break from making my breakfast to hug him goodbye.

“Always am. Love you too. Take Bella to the rez if she's up before you leave,” he said as he opened the door.

“I will,” I said. With the reassurance, he left, locking the door behind him. I went back to making breakfast as my phone started to go off like crazy.

“Hello,” I said, picking it up without thinking about it.  

“Hey, Aimes,” Jake said, his voice coming through the phones crystal clear for once. I knew that meant today's weather would be nice. For some reason I don't understand, our phone call's quality gets worse as the weather gets worse.

“What's up?” I asked.

“Well, Dad and Harry are going fishing, so I need someone to make me breakfast,” he said. I physically rolled my eyes even though I knew he couldn't see me.

“That's a lie, Jacob Ephraim Black,” I said.

“Okay, but I kinda wanted a reason to hang out with you,” he said.

“Jake, you don't need a reason to hang out with me,” I said.

“Fine, then, I'm coming down right now,” he said.

“Jacob, I'll be down to the rez after I eat. Get yourself a bowl of cereal and I promise to make lunch,” I said.

“That's good cause Quil and Embry just showed up,” he said.

“See ya later,” I said, putting the eggs I'd been making on to a plate.

“Bye, Aimes,” he said. I hung up and sat down at the table as Bella made her way downstairs.

“Hey, Bells,” I said.

“Hey, Alessandra,” she said. No one calls me that except her and Renee. I had to make a serious effort to not audibly groan at the use of my full name.

“Wanna head down to the rez with me?” I asked.

“No, I think I'm just gonna unpack. Get settled in a little more,” she said.

“Dad said to take you with me, but I totally understand,” I said. I finished eating and washed my plate as she made herself some food. I mentally thanked myself for actually getting up and getting ready for the day.

“Alright, I'm heading out. You sure you don't wanna come?” I asked. She only nodded, so I grabbed a bottle of water and my keys and headed out to my car.

I drove to the rez in complete silence, just enjoying the break from everything. It was sunny, a bit of a change here in Forks. If it was May instead of March, we'd be cliff diving today. As I was driving, I noticed that Paul Lahote, Jared Cameron, and Sam Uley were all cliff diving. I rolled my eyes at them. I've never been friends with them, but I definitely find them crazy for doing something like that on a day like today.

They appeared to be fighting, attempting to throw each other off the cliff. I didn't think anything of it because Jake and Embry have done it to Quil before when he tried to chicken out. I smiled at the memories with the guys as I finished the driver to Jake's.

Alessandra Mae Swan || A Jacob Black Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now