Chapter 52

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"You look amazing babygirl," Jake said as he led me outside so we could take pictures. Luckily the rain had let up so we could actually be outside without ruining our attire.

"As do you," I said, smiling up at him. He'd actually put on a suit and dress shirt. I hadn't been able to talk him into a tie, but there is always prom for that.

"Alright, Allie, Jake, come here, cute couple pictures," Sue said. Luckily she's really great behind a camera.

Jake and I headed over, spending five minutes taking pictures from different angles as Sue walked around. Dad and Billy were laughing at us as Hadley's grandma, a woman who couldn't have been more than forty five, stood beside them, talking to the duo softly.

"Billy and Charlie, get over there," Sue said, pushing my father into the picture. They agreed reluctantly and got into a couple pictures with us.

"Okay, and now, Charlie and Allie," Sue said. Dad and I posed for a couple of pictures before Dad declared that he was done.

"Seth and Hadley, you're up," Sue said. She took their couple pictures, and Leah made the mistake of walking up post patrol.

"Leah, honey, will you please get into the picture?" Sue asked.

"No, but I'll take some for you," Leah said.

"Leah, if you change your mind about tonight, there is a couple of dresses in my closet," I said.

"Thanks, but probably not," Leah said. I nodded before starting to talk to Jake.

"Hey, so, about tonight," he said softly, holding me close to his chest so we could talk as lowly as possible.

"I'm not sure yet," I said, uneasy of the possibility of us sleeping together.

Jake is one hundred percent the one for me. He is the one I want to lose my virginity to, but I'm just not sure if tonight is the right time.

"Then we won't do anything. If you aren't ready then I will wait," he said.

"Thanks Jake. I love you, a lot," I said.

"I love you too Allie," he said, kissing the top of my head.

"Alright lovebirds, we need some group shots," Sue said. Jake and I walked over to where Seth and Hadley were waiting for us. We were able to finish the pictures up just in time as a slight drizzle began. Luckily Dad and Billy were prepared with umbrellas already waiting for us.

"Bye Dad, I love you," I said, hugging him tightly.

"Bye, I love you too. I'll see you tomorrow," he said.

"See ya," I said. We headed over to Jake's car and piled in.

"You got the bags right?" I asked as Jake got into the driver's seat.

"Yes babe. I have everything. Will you stop worrying?" He asked.

"Probably not," I said.

Dinner flew by, and before we knew it, we were meeting up with Quil and Embry outside of the school so we could enter as a group.

"Looking good," Embry said, high-fiving with Jake.

"You look amazing," I said, hugging Quil tightly. Ever since he went public with Embry, he's kind of become the gay best friend every girl wants. He isn't overly flamboyant, but he's sassy and will always tell you how things are.

"So do you girl," he said. We headed inside, revelling in the fact that for four of us this would be our last homecoming ever.

Alessandra Mae Swan || A Jacob Black Love StoryNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ