Chapter 48

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"Babe, it's morning. I think you should get up and eat something," Jake said, kissing my forehead. It's been three days since I found out who all was killed, making it Wednesday. School officials expect us to start again early next week after the last funeral service.

"Not hungry," I said.

"Babe, please, eat something," Jake said. I could tell that it was painful for him to watch me go through this, but I couldn't change how I was feeling.

"Jake, I'm not hungry," I said, wiping my eyes so I could look at him.

"You haven't been hungry in days. I get that you don't have my metabolism, but babes, you gotta eat," he said.

"After we talk," I said.

"About what?" He asked.

"I heard you last night when you were arguing with yourself about whether or not you should call Jasper and ask him to come check on me," I said.

"Babe, I'm worried about you," he said. "I know you're depressed and anxious and probably a lot of other things, and maybe Jasper can take those feelings away for a while."

"I know you're worried about me Jake, and I love you for that. But if you want me to heal, I have to do it on my own terms. Jasper can only make me temporarily happy. He can't make this go away until I have healed from it," I said.

"I know babe. That's why I haven't called him yet," he said.

"Jake, just talk to me next time so you don't sound like an idiot talking to yourself," I said.

"I thought you were asleep," he said.

"I know babe," I said. "Let's go eat breakfast."

We headed downstairs and found that my dad had already left for work. He did leave us a note, saying that if we wanted to meet up at the diner for a late breakfast we could.

"That sounds really good. I think it'd do you some good to get out today. Maybe after breakfast you and Hadley can hang out," Jake said.

"I can ask her," I said. "I kind of want a shower."

"Go ahead," he said. "I'll call your dad and let him know to meet us at the diner about ten."

"Sounds good," I said before heading upstairs. I showered quickly and dressed in a pair of skinny jeans and a Mariners shirt. I pulled one of Jake's hoodies on, and since it was post growth spurt, it hung almost half way to my knees. I tied it up as best as I could, and headed back downstairs to where Jake was watching TV and waiting for me.

"That's where that hoodie went," Jake said.

"Do you want it back? I have most of them," I said.

"No, I don't really wear them that much anyways," he said. I kissed his cheek, causing him to wrap his arms around me.

"Can I have a real kiss?" He asked. I kissed him on the lips gently, but pulled away before he could deepen it too much.

"Shall we head to breakfast?" He asked. I nodded and he led the way out to my car, opening the passenger side door for me. He headed around the car as I texted Hadley to see if she wanted to make plans for this afternoon.

"Babes," Jake said as he started the car.

"Hmm," I responded as I looked up at him.

"Seat belt love," he said. I giggled slightly and clicked the belt locked around me.

"Thanks babe," I said.

"Just looking out for my girl," he said. "Like always."

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