Chapter 23

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After a few weeks, Quil had also come down with mono and started ignoring me in favor of Sam's cult.

One Saturday night in early June, my phone began ringing, causing me to answer it instantly.

“Allie, you need to get down here,” Quil’s frantic voice came through the phone the second I answered it.

“Quil, what's wrong?” I asked.

“Just get to Jake's now, please,” he said. I grabbed my keys and ran out the door, locking it behind me.

I was anxious beyond belief as I drove down to the reservation. I hadn't seen Jake in a few days, and he had started ignoring me again.

“What?” I asked, slamming my car door shut as I got out. The entirety of Sam's cult was gathered on the front porch of Billy's house and Billy was sitting in the yard with Sue standing behind him. Old Quil was with them and they all looked more pained than I'd ever seen them.

“Allie, why are you here?” Paul snapped angrily.

“I invited her,” Quil said.

“You didn't invite me anywhere. I'm more than welcome here and at least Quil called me. Now, what the hell is going on?” I asked, walking up to Paul.

“Don't push his buttons,” Sue warned me.

“No, why the hell did I get a frantic call from Quil telling me to get down here?” I asked.

“Aimes,” Jake's voice sounded strained from inside the house.

“You can't go in there,” Jared said as I went to go inside.

“Wanna bet?” I asked, pushing past him, only to run into the wall that is Sam Uley.

“Alessandra, go home,” he said.

“No Sam. I came to see Jake,” I said. “So, I'm going to see Jake.”

“He's not taking visitors right now, try again in a few days,” Sam said. I could tell he was glaring daggers at Quil for calling me.

“Sam,” Billy's voice sounded pained and Sam listened immediately. Sam made his way over to Billy and squatted beside him.

“She's the one,” he said.

“There's no way,” Sam responded.

“Ask Jake,” he said.

“Does she know?” Sam inquired.

“I'm standing right here guys,” I said.

“How did you hear us?” Sam asked.

“What do you mean?” I asked. “You were talking.”

“No, we were whispering,” Billy said.

“I don't know,” I said.

“It's her alright,” Sam said. “I'm going to tell Jake.”

“Tell him tomorrow. He's got enough going on tonight,” Billy said.

“Can I see him or not?” I asked. Sam went to answer, but stopped as Dr. Cullen's car pulled in the driveway.

“Maybe once Cullen is done,” Paul said. I sat on the ground by Billy and closed my eyes, trying to block out Jake's pain filled screams.

“What's going on?” I asked.

“Dr. Cullen has to rebreak Jake's bones. Jake will explain everything soon. I promise Alessandra,” Billy said. Seth joined me on the ground and started trying to distract me, but I could tell all the guys felt terrible about whatever was going on.

Bella's truck pulled up, causing me to set my jaw in place. Seth hugged me a little, a brotherly hug.

“How is he?” Bella asked.

“It's not really any of your business,” I said. Seth laughed at me slightly as Bella glared at me.

“What're you even doing here?” She snapped.

“Leave her alone. She has more of a right to be here than you do,” Paul snapped.

“Why don't you just shut the hell up, you hot head?” Bella snapped in return.

“Bella, your issue is with me, not Paul,” I said, drawing her attention back to me.

“Not really,” she said, but shut up as Doctor Cullen walked out of the house.

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