Chapter 24

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"He's asking for you, Alessandra," Carlisle said, walking out of the house with Sam close behind.

"May I?" I asked, directing the question at Sam.

"Jake needs you," he said. I jumped up and ran into the house, back to Jake's room.

"Hey, beautiful," he said.

"Hey Jake," I said. He was sweating unbelievably, and his right arm was in a sling on his chest.

"Thanks for coming," he said.

"Yeah, um Quil called me," I said. "Don't be mad at him. He just wanted what's best for you."

"I know," he said. "Um, do you think you can stay with me?"

"What?" I asked.

"Cullen's going to set up a morphine drip when he gets back, but I just don't wanna be alone," he said.

"I'll stay," I said.

"Thank you," he said. I nodded and sat on the very edge of the bed.

"I've missed you Jake," I said.

"I've missed you too Aimes," he said. "Can, uh, can you hold my hand?"

"Yeah, of course," I said, placing my smaller hand on top of his good one.

"You're so cold," he said, smiling at me.

"You're so warm," I said. "Are you running a fever?"

"No. I'll explain tomorrow. I can't tonight, love," he said. I nodded before Sam and Jared walked in.

"Hey, man," Jared said.

"Hey," Jake said in response.

"Some of the younger guys wanna come in and see you. Especially Seth," Sam said.

"Yeah, of course," Jake said. "He's like my baby brother. He's more than welcome."

"I'll send them in a few at a time. Allie, I assume you're staying with Jake," Sam said.

"Yeah, he asked me to," I said.

"I trust you to keep him in line and laying in bed," Sam said.

"Will do," I said. Sam nodded before leaving with Jared. We were alone for a few seconds before Seth and Leah walked in. They'd both grown several inches and bulked up like Jake had.

"Hey man," Seth said. "Allie." He nodded at me politely before talking a million miles a minute to Jake.

"Thank you Allie," Leah said.

"For what?" I asked.

"Keeping Jake from Bella. I know you don't understand yet, but you will. You've kept Jake from Bella and it means the world to me," she said.

"Well, you're welcome. I know we haven't been close recently Le, but I'm here. I know you've been through a lot," I said.

"Thanks," she said. Seth finally calmed down some and Leah thanked Jake for saving her life.

"I'll explain tomorrow," Jake said as Quil and Embry walked in, kicking Seth and Leah out.

"This is weird," Embry said. "The four of us, back together again."

"I've missed it," I said.

"You were always the sentimental one," Embry said.

"Quil, what's wrong?" I asked. He was standing slightly behind Embry looking sort of like a kicked puppy.

"Um, Jake already knows, but, actually, I'll, uh, I'll explain tomorrow," Quil said. "You good Jake?"

"I'm great," Jake said, smiling at me.

"Glad to hear it. Oh, Paul said hey, but he wanted to stay with your sister. She's worried about you," Quil said.

"Send her and Dad in so they can see me then," Jake said. He was already looking so much better than when I walked in. He was exhausted, but he would stay awake for a hundred years if it meant seeing his dad.

The two left, giving Jake and I a few minutes together alone before his dad and sister joined us.

"I'm glad he has you," Rebecca said.

"Me too," I said, talking to her as Jake and Billy talked to each other quietly.

"He likes you a lot. Momma always said you two were going to get married," she said.

"Your Mom was amazing," I said.

"She loved you, a lot," she said.

"I loved her too," I said.

"Take care of him," she said. I nodded and started to respond as Carlisle walked into the room and everything became tense again.

"Jake, I'm going to set up a morphine drip. I'll be back in the morning to check on you. You should be back in fighting shape in three maybe four days," Dr. Cullen said.

"Thanks Doc," Jake said.

"Alessandra, are you staying?" Billy asked. I nodded as Jake started to panic a little.

"Aimes," he said. "Come here."

"What's wrong?" I asked, walking over to him.

"He's scared of needles," his sister, Rebecca, said.

"You're okay," I said, turning his head slightly to look at me and not the needle.

"All done," Dr. Cullen said. "I'll be back about seven."

Billy and Rebecca left with Dr. Cullen and Jake and I were alone.

Alessandra Mae Swan || A Jacob Black Love StoryHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin