Chapter 25

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"Goodnight Jake," I said, kissing his forehead.

"I love you Aimes," he muttered halfheartedly. He was exhausted and on meds, so I just ignored it. I sat down on the messy bedroom floor, grabbing my cell phone.

I decided I should probably call my dad, but the second I thought about it, my phone started ringing. I answered the phone as I stood up and walked over to the door.

"Hello," I said quietly as I made my way into the hallway.

"Where are you?" Dad asked.

"I'm at Jake's. He's sick," I said, not a total lie, but not a total truth.

"When are you coming home?" Dad asked.

"Jake asked me to stay with him for the night," I said.

"I know. Billy called me, but Bella said you were down there sleeping with him. I just need to know that you're not," he said.

"Dad, one, Jake would never. Two, Billy and Becca are both here. Three, Bella was alone with Edward last night, not Alice," I said.

"She promised me she was a virgin," he said.

"Dad, nothing is going on here except me taking care of my best friend," I said.

"I'll see you tomorrow, yeah?" He asked.

"Of course Dad," I said. "It'll be later. I'll try to be home to make dinner."

"Just make sure you're home in time to get some sleep. I need help on Monday," he said.

"I will Dad. I love you," I said.

"Love you too," he said. I hung my phone up and headed back into Jake's room. The mess was making my anxiety worse. I was already so worried about him that I didn't think I could take anything else.

I started cleaning, trying to stay as quiet as possible as I began to take care of his clothes that were strewn across the entire room. I folded them, organizing his dresser as I went.

About two hours into my cleaning, Rebecca opened the door.

"Hey, I brought you some of my shorts and a tee to sleep in," she said.

"Thanks," I said.

"Go change and I'll wash your clothes for tomorrow," she said.

"Thanks Bec," I said.

"Anything for my future sister-in-law," she said. I rolled my eyes but took the clothes from her and headed to the bathroom to change.

"So this is what the bedroom floor in here looks like?" Rebecca asked when I returned to the room where she was sitting in a chair by Jake's bed.

"Yeah, it is," I said. "Sorry, I just got anxious and I clean when my anxiety gets bad."

"Don't apologize. The whole house could use someone like you," she said. "Doctor Cullen said to let you know you can lay with Jake if you want. Just stay on his left side."

"Um, things aren't exactly one hundred percent between us right now," I said.

"What happened? You two have always been close," she said.

"Jake and I got into a fight because Quil and I went to a movie together. He was out with Bella, third-wheeling what was supposed to be a date with Mike Newton, and Quil and I went and saw a different movie together. He saw us together and freaked. Asked why the hell I was hanging out with his friends. Something about Bella changed him for the worse. He started hanging out with Sam and left Quil and I. He'd promised not to, but he did and it nearly broke both of us," I said. "Quil didn't take it well when Embry left for the 'hall monitors on steroids'. He took it even worse when Jake left cause of how much it hurt me."

"He will explain everything tomorrow. He never wanted to hurt you. And trust me, holding you will make him feel better quicker," she said.

"I, uh, I don't know Bec," I said.

"Just lay with him for the night," she said. I nodded, going over to the bed and laying down on his left side. Becca turned the lights off, and I fell asleep in seconds.

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