Chapter 56

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When I woke up the next morning, it was only because Quil and Embry were running in screaming about us being decent and the quietest they'd ever heard.

"That's because nothing happened, asshat," Jake yelled, pulling me closer to him.

"Go away. 'M trying to sleep," I said.

"I do not believe that the two of you didn't do anything when you came in here," Embry said, throwing himself onto the bed as I heard Seth and Hadley getting up to join us.

"We talked for a few minutes and went to sleep," Jake said.

"Look, I'll swear to it on whatever you want. We didn't do anything except talk," I said.

"Fine, whatever. What should we do for breakfast cause I'm starving," Seth said.

"We could just make some stuff," Hadley said.

"Dad stocked the kitchen," Jake said. "Charlie and Sue were out here a few days ago."

"La, la, la," Seth and I both began to sing.

"Add that to the list of things I don't wanna hear about," I said.

"Fine, let's go," I forced myself out of bed and ran my hands over my hair.

"What do you idiots want?" Hadley asked.

"Sleep," Jake muttered.

"Sex," Seth said, earning a slap to the chest and a blush from Hadley.

"She meant for breakfast," I sighed at the teenage boys.

"Oh, pancakes," Jake said.

"I'll second that," Quil said.

"Waffles," Embry said.

"And I'll second that," Seth said.

"Y'all know they're made from the same mix. Literally the only difference is the way they're cooked," I said.

"Well, pancakes are gross," Embry said.

"You're gross," Quil and I replied at the same time.

"Babe," Embry whined. Hadley and I rolled our eyes and headed down to the kitchen to get started. As Hadley made the batter, I searched the cupboards for a waffle iron or something to cook the pancakes on.

The boys walked in, still arguing over whether pancakes or waffles are the better option.

"Boys," I chided. "None of you will get breakfast if you don't stop."

Jake wrapped his arms around me and kissed right below my ear before whispering, "there's the alpha female I love."

I rolled my eyes as Quil and Embry chuckled slightly. Seth just smacked Jake as he walked over to where Hadley was working away, completely oblivious to what was going on.

"How's my best friend?" Quil asked, stealing me away from Jake so he could hug me.

"Pretty good, how's my bestie?" I asked.

"Great," he said.

"What's with you two?" Jake asked.

"We've been through some shit together," I replied almost without thinking about it.

"I've apologized and explained that babe," Jake said.

"I know, but Quil is still my bestie. You're my best friend and soulmate," I said. That earned a smile from Jake so I snuck around the boys ad helped Hadley finish up breakfast. We sat around the kitchen, eating and talking for a while before deciding we should probably clean up and head home.

Jake and I headed off to get dressed and make the bed we'd slept in before his dad sent him a text to bring home the food from the kitchen that would spoil soon.

After about an hour, we had the cabin cleaned up and we were piled into the two cars to head home. Jake stopped and dropped Hadley off before taking his stuff home, but his dad was at my place anyways, so he just drove us back into Forks and we all headed to my house.

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