Chapter 49

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The next couple of months were a struggle. Jake, Hadley, and the pack were a huge help. They were all more than willing to distract me or just be with me so that I didn't have to be alone. Dad appreciated it as well, because it made him more confident in the fact that I could be left alone and I wouldn't do anything dumb like jumping off a cliff.

School was difficult, but no one was expected to be emotionally 100%. Everyone knew how difficult that day had been and how difficult the aftermath would continue to be. Everyone was feeling the same to some extent. The teachers, the students, the staff, we'd all been through the same trauma on that day. Teachers eased us back into learning by not shoving it all down our throats at once. They let us get back to living our lives at our own paces.

When Homecoming rolled around in mid-October, life was almost back to normal. We were all dreading the first big celebration without several of our classmates, but the promised memorial at the football game got most of the students on board.

"Jake, what're you doing tonight?" I asked as he drove me to school on the Friday of homecoming week. I was all decked out in navy blue and gold for the last spirit day of the week, even going as far as to put face paint on.

"Um, I think I have midnight patrol. Why?" He asked.

Sam had reworked his patrol schedule so he could drive me to school. If Jake and Dad got their way, I'd never drive again. They both thought my anxiety was too high to be left alone in my car, and they were probably right.

"Wanna go to the football game with me? If not I can get Hadley or someone to go with me," I said.

"That's sounds fun. Let me talk to Sam, and you can invite Hadley anyways. I'll see if Seth or some of the others wanna come," he said.

"Thanks Jake," I said. He pulled up in front of the school, so I kissed him quickly and got out of his Rabbit.

"Still not driving Swan?" Alex Newton asked.

"Nah, probably won't til spring," I said. Everyone knew I'd taken the shooting worse than most, so no one said anything to me about things like not driving and not eating lunch.

"Hey girlfriend," Hadley said.

"Hey girl. Wanna go to the game tonight?" I asked.

"Is Jake gonna bring his hot friends around finally?" She asked.

"Which ones? Cause God knows that the gay ones will be here if they aren't working. Jake and I hardly get alone time away from them," I said.

"What about the cute one that's in and out of your house?" She asked.

"Seth might be there. Jake said he'd invite him," I said.

"Great. Pick me up at 6," she said as we headed to our first class.

When school got out, Jake was there to pick me up, coincidentally with Seth in tow.

"Hey Hadley," Seth said as he got out of the front seat.

"Hi Seth," she said shyly.

"Bye girl," I said, getting into the front seat of Jake's car.

"Six o'clock," she said. I nodded in agreement.

"Babes, did he imprint?" I asked. Jake only nodded in agreement causing me to smile.

"Hadley said she'll go to the game, and to pick her up at six o'clock," I said.

"We will," Jake said. Seth was beaming at the fact that we were picking Hadley up.

"Hey Seth," I said.

"Hey girl," he said.

"Shouldn't you be in school?" I asked.

"Rez school gets out at 2 on Fridays," he said. "Um, would, do, uh, do you think it'd be okay if I asked Hadley out?"

"I think it'd be great Seth," I said.

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