Chapter 9

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“Hey,” I said, acknowledging the boys in the back seat.

“Hey, so is it true?” Embry asked. I clicked my seatbelt around me while he was talking and sighed a little at the question.

“Is what true?” I asked, but I knew I didn't want to hear the answer.

“Did Bella seriously take off with Cullen last night?” he asked.

“No, she took off because of Cullen,” I said.

“Uh, my cousin saw her in the passenger seat of her truck with Cullen driving it fairly late last night. Looked like they were headed out towards Cullen’s place. Their Jeep was behind the truck,” he said.

“I don’t know Embry,” I snapped at him and instantly regretted it. He didn’t deserve that kind of treatment.

“Sorry to bring it up,” he said.

“No, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have snapped at you. I’m mad at her,” I said.

“Allie, it’s going to be a -okay,” Quil said.

“Thanks, Quil,” I said, smiling at him in the rearview mirror. Jake reached over and grabbed my hand carefully. I smiled at him gently and he smiled back at me.

“Just accept it and start dating,” Embry said, laughing at us.

“No, I’d rather get to hold her hand and annoy you,” Jake said. Embry stuck his tongue out at Jake. We all started joking around then.

We arrived in Port Angeles and the boys all jumped out of the car, running over to the ticket window. I followed them, laughing at their antics as they shoved each other around.

“Four tickets to see Jumanji,” Jake said, handing her the money for all four tickets.

“Boys,” I chided Quil and Embry. They were acting like hooligans who hadn’t been let out of cages in four years.

“Yes, Mama A,” They said in unison. I rolled my eyes at them as we headed into the theater.

“Jake, you don’t have to buy everything,” I said, grabbing my wallet.

“I’m not. Dad wanted me off the rez and outta Forks for once, so he sent me here with you guys,” Jake said.

“Dad’s paying, sweet,” Embry said, returning his own wallet to his pocket. We started joking around before heading into the theater to find seats. The guys insisted that I sit in the middle with Quil since we are the “babies”.

“Guys, I’m a big girl,” I said.

“We wanna protect the babies of the group,” Embry said, taunting Quil.

“Embry, be nice to Quil, please,” I said.

“No thanks,” he said. I rolled my eyes, but Jake glaring at them shut them up. For some reason they listen to Jake almost as soon as he says something.

After the movie, we headed home. It was entertaining to say the least. Quil and Embry continued to quote the movie in extremely fake voices that made me double over in laughter.

Jake pulled up in front of the station and I noticed Dad was here still. I thanked them again and headed inside to let Dad know I was home.

“Hey, Allie,” Dad said, looking up at me. “I, uh, want you to carry this.” he handed me a bottle of pepper spray.

“That’s illegal, Dad,” I said. I’m a minor, so pretty sure I’m not supposed to carry a weapon.

“Please, Alessandra,” he said.

“Fine, but only so you don’t have to worry about me too,” I said. I put the mace in my purse and kissed his cheek.

"Bye Dad. Don't stay here all night," I said.

"I won't," he said.

"Bye, I love you," I said.

"Love you too A," he said. I headed outside and drove home. I went into the house, locking myself in out of habit. I made myself dinner while texting Jake about the most random of things.

I live for our conversations like these. They're the most real conversations that I have, and I don't know what I'd do without them.

Alessandra Mae Swan || A Jacob Black Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now