Chapter 40

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"Bella's on her way here," I said.

"I don't want that bitch anywhere near you right now babe. She was nothing but mean to you," Jake snapped, becoming infuriated rather quickly. He started to shake slightly. He was still quite a ways away from phasing, but I didn't want to take any chances.

"I know that, but if you don't calm down, you're going to have to leave because you know this place is going to smell of leech when she gets here. I can't have you phasing right now, can I?" I asked.

"Point taken," Jake said, forcing himself to calm down.

"When was the last time you even saw her?" Quil asked.

"I haven't seen her since the wedding, but Dad has. He said she's changed: she looks more like Esme than Rene, so she is obviously a vampire now," I said. He nodded slowly as a way of acknowledging me.

"She's here. She's not alone," Jake mumbled, tightening his arms around me.

Bella didn't even bother knocking. Instead, she just waltzed right in like she owned the place.

"Alessandra, how are you doing?" She asked tightly. Her posture was perfect, basically everything about her was flawless now. She sounded like bells or wind chimes. Her voice was soft and melodic.

"I'm fine. You can leave," I said, shooting glares at Edward.

"Dad asked me to check on you," she said.

"Really, because seemed a-okay with Jake taking care of me," I said. "You didn't want anything to do with me before today, so why is today so special?"

"You could've died," she said.

"That's a risk I take everyday," I said, shrugging it off.

"Bella, she's fine. Promise," Jake said.

"Jake, how have you been?" Bella asked.

"You're married, and I'm with your sister. I know you're just trying to flirt with me so leave," Jake said.

"She's in good hands," Embry said, attempting to reassure the vampires so they would leave.

"Why do you all hate me?" Bella asked.

"Because Bella," Quil snapped, standing up to face her. "You've been nothing but a bitch to Allie since you moved back here. You don't actually care about her. You're just out to ruin her life by destroying every good relationship she has. You're not going to do that to her again. I won't let you. So, you can take your bitch ass attitude and head back up to the Cullen hideaway and you can quit pretending to worry about Allie."

"Really Quil?" Bella asked with a smirk. "Who's gonna make me?"

"Quil, no," Jake said, trying his best to sound like the true alpha. He had me freezing in my seat.

"Em, stop him," I said softly as Quil refused to sit down. Embry stood up and went over into his imprint's line of sight.

Embry cooed to Quil softly until he calmed down and Embry could pull the slightly smaller boy into his arms.

"Bella, get the hell out of here. Carlisle can come check on Allie tomorrow, but as long as Quil or Embry or I are here, you won't be. I'll tell Charlie myself that I threw you out. I don't care," Jake said.

"Allie," Edward said in a soft tone.

"Just get the fuck out," I said. The two finally gave in and left the four of us to calm each other down.

"I will personally rip her limb from limb the next time I see her," I said.

"Yeah, let's not get you hurt," Jake said, kissing me softly. "I like my Aimes in one piece."

"I like being in one piece," I said, returning his kiss softly.

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