Chapter 3

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“Jake,” I yelled, getting out of the car.

“In the garage,” he yelled back. I headed over to the garage and sat down on one of car seats he had sitting around. This place is full of odds and ends and old car parts.

“How're you guys?” I asked, looking between Quil and Embry as Jake was working on the Rabbit. He was just starting it, so he was more or less tearing it apart right now.

“Good, you?” Quil answered.

“Good,” I said.

“How's your sister?” Embry asked. I rolled my eyes and giggled slightly at his crush.

“Good. She's at my house unpacking and getting settled in,” I said.

“Dang. Make sure she comes with you next time,” he said, winking at me.

“Emb,” I said, giving him what they refer to as my "mother look". I guess I have the ability to get them to listen to me by looking at them a certain way.

“She's like two years older than you. She won't go for it, not in a hundred years,” Jake said, removing himself from under the hood of his car for the first time.

I smiled at him, and he returned the gesture as he brushed some hair out of his face. He had long dark hair that was neat and silky like most of the Quileute people. His brilliant white smile deeply contrasted his russet tribal skin. He had the strong jawline that you'd expect to see on a seasoned vet, not a 16 year old Native American boy. He was dressed in an old AC/DC shirt and some oil stained jeans with some sneakers that we're too small for him even though he only got them a few months ago. He complains about them a lot, and always says he's going to get a job to save up for a good pair of shoes just as soon as he quits growing. I have to remind him all the time he is no where near done growing yet.

“Allie, you're staring,” Quil taunted.

“No, I, um, no I wasn't,” I said, but it wasn't very convincing.

“It's alright, babe. Feel free to stare,” Jake said and winked at me before turning and talking to Embry.

“You two are in love. Just accept it and move on,” Quil said.

“16 is far too young to know anything about love,” I said.

“How old were Romeo and Juliet?” He asked.

“Juliet was all of 13,” I said.

“Exactly, and they are like the poster couple for young love,” he said.

“They died, Quil,” I said, overly dramatically and a little louder than intended.

“Who died?” Embry asked, looking at us. Jake turned to look at us too, and I knew I was in for some serious harassment for my love of Shakespeare.

“Romeo and Juliet,” I said.

“You and your Shakespeare,” Jake said while laughing at me.

“In my defense, Quil brought it up,” I said, holding my hands up innocently.

“You're such a nerd,” Jake said. I rolled my eyes at him before responding.

"Tell me something I don't know," I said, looking at him and hoping he had a good comeback.

"You're like a ninety year old woman in a sixteen year old body," he said.

“And you three are like overgrown children,” I said.

“No, we're teenage boys,” Embry said.

“So, the only difference is that you eat more than small kids,” I said. They all shrugged in defeat before changing the subject.

The day continued on in the same joking manner as always when the four of us are together. The three even followed me inside so they could continue to make jokes at my expense while I made lunch. I didn't care about the jokes though, because I knew if they got out of hand that Jake would be able to shut the other two up really quick.

For some reason the four of us just feels complete, like a family, or something.

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