Chapter 65

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When we got inside, we were greeted by a nurse who led us up to a private waiting room. We all sat around the room, waiting anxiously.

Sue sat in one of the chairs with her head in her hands. Her breathing was labored as she tried to calm herself down. She continued to mutter prayers under her breath as Leah sat with her, rubbing her back. Leah was trying to comfort her crying mother. Leah's own breathing was steadied than that of Sue, but she was still tense as could be.

Seth was sitting on the floor by his mother, his head resting against her leg as one would expect from a child. He texted Hadley, trying to calm himself down. His fingers tapped the screen of his phone almost silently as he answered his texts as soon as they came in.

Jake sat in a chair, pulling me into his lap the second he did so. He rubbed my back, trying to calm me down with physical contact and soft words. He pressed kisses to my shoulder between reassurances of my father's safety. I knew this was hurting him nearly as much as it was hurting me. He cared for my father before we got together, but our bond amplified that care and he was truly worried about my father. I think he was more worried about the effect it would have on me though.

I was a stressed out mess. I tried not to sob uncontrollably, but it wasn't working all that well. Jake holding me seemed to help some, but I still wasn't doing the greatest. I needed to see that my father was safe with my own two eyes.

"Allie, have you called your sister?" Sue asked softly.

"No," I said.

"And she isn't going to," Jake said.

"Stop, if Sue thinks Bella should know, then I will go call Bella," I said, attempting to stand up.

"Just let her know, but don't actively invite her back," Sue said.

"Will do," I said. I stood in the corner, listening to the phone ring multiple times before Edwards voice came through the phone.

"Where's Bella?" I asked.

"Out," he said.

"Tell her to call when she gets in," I said.

"What's going on?" He asked.

"My father was shot at work. He's stable at the hospital in Seattle," I said.

"We'll be there as soon as possible," he said.

"No, you don't need to come out here," I said. "He's fine. Sue and I just thought you should know."

"No, Allie," he said.

"That's Alessandra to you," I snapped, cutting him off.

"We're coming," he said.

"Edward, don't," I said, forcing my voice to solidify so he understood that I meant business. I did not want them here no matter what. He needed to understand that.

"I'll discuss it with your sister," he said angrily before hanging up on me.

"That went about as well as expected," I said, sitting down again.

"I told you not to call," Jake said.

"Don't even start," I said.

"Hello, Sue and Alessandra?" A doctor asked, walking into the room.

I jumped up and grabbed Sue's hand.

"That's us," I said.

"Charlie is out of surgery. He's stable but resting. Sue, you can go see him, but otherwise he can't have visitors. Go get a hotel room for the night and try to rest," he said, looking at the four of us who had been banned from his room.

"Yes, sir," Jake said.

"I'll go with them and get them set up in a hotel room for the night," Sue said.

We all left the hospital, finding the nearest hotel and getting a couple of rooms before all heading into one and crashing onto the beds.

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