Chapter 51

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The next morning, I rolled out of bed about 10:00. The game had gone into overtime, but we won! Unfortunately, that meant we didn't get home until nearly 11:30. We opted to stay for the whole game and trying to get out of there and take Hadley home wasn't helping matters.

"Good morning sunshine," my dad said as I made my way down the stairs in search of breakfast.

"Morning Dad," I said, hugging him slightly.

"Here ya go," Sue said. "Your dad said he was coming to wake you up soon, so I made you some breakfast."

"You are the greatest," I said.

"It's nothing really, but thank you," she said. I greatfully took the plate and headed over to the table so I could eat. Dad and Sue asked me some questions about school and the game even though they had been there.

"So, are you ready for tonight?" Dad asked.

"Beyond. It's my senior homecoming. I get to go with the love of my life," I said.

"Aren't you a little young to have decided he's the love of your life?" Dad asked.

"Hmm, no," I said, smiling softly as thoughts of Jake and I being together forever flooded my mind.

"Oh, alright. Just, if you do anything tonight, please, for the love of God, use protection," Dad said.

"Probably not going to happen, but I promise to be safe should it," I said.

"Thank you," he said. I could've sworn I heard him mumbled something about having at least one responsible kid, but then again, it could've been my imagination.

A knock on the door ended the conversation as Dad went to answer it and I took care of my plate.

"Hey gorgeous," Jake said, wrapping his arms around me before kissing my cheek.

"Hey handsome, what're you doing here already?" I asked.

"I couldn't wait to see you any more," he said. I smiled at him as Hadley and Seth walked in together.

"Now that you're all here. Go start to get ready. I'll have some snacks for you in a few hours," Sue said.

"Thank you," we all responded before heading up to my bedroom.

"And, where do we begin?" Hadley asked.

"I'd say with nails but we actually got acrylics a couple nights ago. So, hair?" I asked her.

"Sure," she agreed and we started to do our own hair. Jake and Seth kept making remarks about how we had to spend all day getting ready, and they would be ready in ten minutes at most.

"If either of you would like to quit running your mouth long enough to shower, you know where it is," I said, attempting to get the boys to quit teasing us.

"I showered this morning," Jake said.

"As did I," Seth said.

"It was worth a shot," Hadley said, causing me to giggle.

"Well then," Jake said, acting like he was offended.

"Oh, knock it off. I still love you, even when you tease me," I said.

As we finished up doing our hair, Sue walked in with a plate of snack type foods.

"Don't get anything on Allie's bedspread or you will do laundry," Sue threatened.

"Yes, ma'am," Jake said as the rest of us laughed slightly.

"Thank you Sue," I said.

"You're welcome," she said before leaving the room.

"What's next?" Hadley asked as she bit into a chip.

"I have to pack a bag for tonight," I said

"Then go. Get your shit together girl," Hadley said. I rolled my eyes at her as I got out of my bed and walked to my closet, packing a duffel bag for the night quickly.

After that, all we had left to do was our makeup and then we had to get dressed, but that was smooth sailing.

"Picture time," Sue squealed as Hadley and I made our way downstairs to where the boys were waiting with our parents.

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