Chapter 8

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The next morning, the house was deadly silent. I rolled out of bed and immediately grabbed my phone. Jake hadn’t texted me yet, so he must’ve been asleep still. I headed downstairs and started to make myself breakfast. I was making eggs when the house phone rang.

“Hello, Swan Residence,” I said. My voice sounded weird and raspy even though I'd been up nearly fifteen minutes. I hoped I wasn't getting sick again.

“Hey, beautiful. You sound terrible. There a reason you aren’t answering your text messages?” Jake asked.

“Wow, thanks. I’m currently making breakfast so I can, ya know, eat and not die,” I said, going back to cooking while I talked.

“Wanna catch a movie today?” he asked.

“What one?” I asked in response. Luckily, my voice had finally started to get back to normal.

“Jumanji,” he said.

“Just us, or the guys too?” I asked.

“What’s with the third degree?” he asked. I could hear the joking edge in his tone, so I didn't get angry with him.

“Bella took off last night, so I want to know the answers to the questions my father will ask. But, yeah, I’d love to go,” I said. I needed the distraction today, and I knew Dad wouldn't care too much. He'd be drowning himself in work anyways.

“Cool, the, uh, the movie starts at 1:00,” he said.

“Port Angeles?” I asked.

“Uh, yeah,” he said. I looked at the clock and noticed that it was 10:30, and we’d have to leave by 12:00 at the latest.

“I’ll get ready. You wanna drive?” I asked.

“Yeah,” he said. He always complains that I drive too slow, so I just let him drive.

“I’m going to get ready and run some food down to Dad,” I said.

“I can pick you up at the station,” he said. “12:00.”

“I’ll be there,” I said, sitting down and starting to eat.

"See ya. Bye Aimes," he said.

"Bye Jake," I said before hanging up the phone.

After I ate, I got dressed in a pair of high waisted jeans, a black crop top sweatshirt that read killin’ it in white block letter, and a pair of black Nike sneakers. I threw my hair up in a messy bun and grabbed my purse before running back downstairs and grabbing some leftovers for Dad. I drove to the station quickly while jamming out to whatever pop music came on the radio.

“Hi, Dad,” I said, walking into the station and setting food on his desk.

“Hey, what’re you doing?” he asked.

“Brought you lunch. Figured I’d stop in and ask if I could go see Jumanji with Jake,” I said.

“Who else?” he asked.

“Probably Quil and Embry, but I don’t know,” I said.

“Yeah, I have to stay late tonight, so don’t wait up for me,” he said. I saw Jake pull up in Billy’s truck. I knew there’d be just enough space for the four of us.

“I’ll stop back and get my car when we come back through,” I said.

“Yeah, keep your keys though. I might not be here,” he said. “Gotta go find this stupid animal.”

“Just be safe,” I said.

“Always am,” he said.

“Bye, Dad. Love you,” I said as I was walking out. I waved to the deputy that was sitting at a desk near the door

“Bye Alessandra,” Dad said.

I waved before bouncing down the stairs and jumping into the passenger seat of the truck.

Alessandra Mae Swan || A Jacob Black Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now