Chapter 22

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The day, well, evening after the funeral, Bella returned on the arm of that evil human named Edward. Dad, Jake, Billy, and I were sitting in the living room, watching a baseball game when she arrived. Dad and Billy had been drinking, but not heavily, and cracking jokes like it was nothing. Jake had one of his arms around my shoulders, allowing me to lay my head on his shoulder. Things were getting better between us, and I was so happy about it. I needed Jake in my life like most people need oxygen.

The door opened causing us all to tense up before Jake took off for the door with Dad right behind him.

"Bella, what the hell was that stunt?" Dad asked.

"I had to save Edward's life," she defended herself.

"After he left and nearly killed you," Dad saidd, his voice raising a little more in anger. I decided that was my cue to join them in the kitchen.

Jake was tense but shaking at the same time. Edward was standing beside Bella but between her and Jake. Dad was leaning against the fridge as if he was totally relaxed. I moved into the kitchen, and Billy wheeled himself in behind me.

"Jake, let's go," Billy said.

"I'm not leaving Aimes here with him," Jake spat in Edward's direction.

"Go," I said. "I'll text you." He nodded, kissing my cheek before flinching like he suddenly remembered we weren't together. He left, allowing just enough time for Billy to say goodbye to my father.

"Bella, what the actual Hell were you thinking?" Dad asked.

"I wasn't going to let him kill himself out of regret," she said.

"Oh, but it's okay that he left you so broken you tried to kill yourself. Bella, I know about the bikes and about you jumping off a cliff," Dad said.

"Motorcycles were just a way to bond with Jake, and I was cliff-diving recreationally," she said as if that made everything better. My phone vibrated, signalling an incoming text from Jake. He just wanted to make sure I was okay, so I reassured him that I was and let the conversation continue from there.

"Bella," Dad groaned a little. He slumped more against the fridge and looked like he was about to pass out. I knew him well enough to know he was just frustrated.

"If I may," Edward started talking. Dad held his hand up, signalling that Edward needed to stop talking.

"The only thing you may do is get the fuck out of my house and don't come back," Dad said. "You left my daughter so depressed she tried killing herself. Get out and don't ever step foot in my house again."

"You can keep me out of the house, but you can't keep me from Bella," Edward said, turning on his heel and walking out of the house.

"Isabella Marie Swan, go to your room. You're grounded for the rest of your life," Dad said. She rolled her eyes and headed upstairs as I sent another text to Jake.

"Why can't she just find someone that's more like Jake?" He asked, looking at me.

"Um, because all of the guys from the rez that are her age or older have girlfriends and she won't date younger guys," I said. He nodded, and still looked like he was going to pass out.

"I'm headed to bed. Night. I love you," he said, rubbing his temples a little. He must've gotten a migraine.

"Night Dad. I love you too," I said. 

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