Chapter 16

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A knock on the door shook me out of my thoughts as Quil walked in. He was carrying a book bag, probably because he couldn't decide on a movie.

"Do I smell cookies?" He asked.

"Yes," I said. "But, a dozen is going with Dad."

"Oo, we're going to be alone," he said, wiggling his eyebrows at me. I smacked him upside the head playfully as he walked into the house.

"Yeah, nothing's going to happen except a movie marathon," I said.

"Okay good," he said. I rolled my eyes at him as he sat down at the table so I could pull the cookies from the oven. I placed the tray down before putting the second tray in the oven.

"What movies did you bring?" I asked, looking at him as I placed the cookies on the cooling rack.

"Hmm, oh, I bought the new movie that you've been bugging me to see," he said.

"What one?" I asked.

"Um, ya know, it's that dumb love story," he said.

"Everyday?" I questioned.

"Yes. That one about waking up in a different body everyday," he said.

"Quil, you didn't have to buy it," I said, feeling guilty that he was spending money on me like that.

"So, I tried talking to Jake. He refused to talk to me because he's sick and he thinks I'm moving in on you or something," Quil said, successfully changing the subject.

"He's being an ass recently and I can't stand it," I said, sitting down at the table beside Quil.

"Me either. You're sister seems like more of a bitch recently too," he said.

"Oh yeah. We got into a fight this morning. Woke Dad on accident," I said.

"Wanna talk about it?" He asked.

"I told her my life was great until she showed up and ruined it. I called her out on using Jake to fill the hole of her abusive ex. She didn't appreciate that. She stormed out into the rain. Haven't seen her since. I'm sure she'll be back," I said.

"If you want, I'll stay until your dad gets home. I don't want you to be stuck here with her by yourself," he said.

"Thanks Quil," I said, laying my head on his shoulder.

"Anything for my Allie," he said. I smiled at him as Dad made his way back down the stairs.

"Hey, I'm heading out," Dad said. I stood up, putting some cookies on a plate and covering them with plastic wrap.

"Bye Dad. Love you. Don't drive drunk," I said.

"I won't," he said, taking the cookies from me before leaving.

"You're amazing," Quil said, looking at me.

"No, I'm not, but thank you," I said.

"Yes you are Allie," he said. The oven went off, so I took the cookies from the oven, putting them on the cooling rack. I grabbed a plate and two glasses from the cupboard. I stacked a few cookies on the plate before grabbing the milk and pouring two glasses.

"Here," I said, sitting the plate down on the table.

"Thank you," he said.

"You're welcome," I said. I joined him at the table, laughing at some dumb face he made because the cookie was still so hot.

"Be careful," I said, breaking a cookie apart and dunking it into the milk.

"How did you do that?" Quil asked, looking at me in awe.

"What?" I asked.

"My cookies always fall apart," he whined.

"Lots of practice," I said. After we finished the cookies, Quil forced me to make popcorn so we could go watch the movie.

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