Chapter 54

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"Now it's time to party," Quil said as we walked into the cabin together.

"As long as there is no alcohol," Hadley said.

"Aw, c'mon, where's the fun in that?" Embry asked.

"It's not like it's do you any good," I mumbled, hoping Hadley didn't hear. Luckily she didn't, well she might've if she hadn't been staring up at Seth quite so intently.

"What are we doing first?" Jake asked.

"Changing," Hadley and I both said. The others all agreed and Jake and I took off for the bedroom that we'd be sharing for the night.

"Here babe," Jake said, handing me a stack of clothes. "Need help?" He offered, referring to my dress.

"I don't think so babe," I said. I slid the dress off with ease before pulling the hoodie and running pants that I'd brought for the night on.

"You look just as gorgeous as ever," Jake said, pulling me towards him once we were both changed.

"Why thank you," I said, looking up at him happily.

"Thanks for convincing me to go tonight babe. It was a lot of fun," he said.

"You're welcome, but my reasoning was entirely selfish. I didn't want to go to my senior homecoming stag," I said.

He chuckled slightly before responding, "what ever the reason baby girl. Thank you."

"You're welcome, Jake," I said. He leaned down and kissed me, pressing his body incredibly close to mine and deepening the kids quickly. His hands slid down my back and were almost to my butt when Quil and Embry burst through the door.

"I thought you said it was locked," I half yelled at Jake as we jumped apart.

"I thought it was. I'm sorry," he said.

"You're forgiven, but I think you just lost any chance of getting laid tonight," I said.

"Oo, sucks to be you," Embry said.

"It's your fault," Jake said, growling and faking like he was angry. I could see through it, but Embry clearly didn't as he took off through the cabin.

"What's his issue?" Seth asked as we all walked off down the stairs after him.

"We burst into Jake and Allie's room while they were kissing and he thinks Jake is angry at him cause Allie told Jake he lost any shot of getting laid tonight," Quil explained.

"Shouldn't you check on him?" Hadley asked.

"Ehh, maybe in a few minutes," Quil said, throwing himself onto the couch.

"What're we gonna do?" Seth asked, sitting in one of the recliners before motioning for Hadley to sit in his lap. She sat down stiffly as if she was still nervous to be around him. After a couple seconds, however, she relaxed into his arms and the two appeared more like a couple than they had a few moments prior.

Jake sat down on the opposite end of the couch as Quil and grabbed my hands, forcing me to sit down with him.

"We could always watch scary movies," Embry suggested, making sure to keep Quil between himself and Jake as he returned.

"No thank you," I said. "I still don't like scary movies."

"Me either," Hadley agreed.

"What did we used to do?" Jake asked. "It seems like it's been forever since we've been able to just hang out without a care."

"That's cause it has been forever," Embry said.

"We used to watch rom-coms and Disney movies and have group cuddle sessions with whatever food we had available," Quil said.

"And we'd play twenty questions or would you rather," I said.

"Well, Seth and Hadley have never experienced this, so I think it's time we teach them," Jake said, the rest of us agreeing within seconds.

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