Chapter 17

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About halfway through the movie, Bella stormed into the house. Wow, she literally doesn't know how to walk. She's either storming around or she's tripping over something.

"Wanna talk about it?" I asked her as she flung her wet jacket into the laundry room to be washed.

"Thanks to you two, he's joined Sam's stupid cult," she snapped.

"Um, it's not our fault you stole him away from the both of us. He wouldn't have ended up in that cult if he'd stayed friends with us," Quil defended, but we both knew it wasn't true. Embry was still our friend when he joined up as Sam's fourth member. 

"Whatever, did you make lunch or not?" She snapped at me.

"Um no, I didn't," I said. I glanced at the clock and it was almost noon.

"What the hell Alessandra?" She yelled. "What do you do while Dad and I are gone? Absolutely nothing?"

I turned my back to her so she wouldn't see the tears forming in my eyes.

"I do a hell of a lot more around here than you ever will," I said.

"No, you don't. You sit around watching movies with a different boy every weekend. Hell, you were probably just discussing the next time you can hook up since Jake's moved on to a better person," she said.

"Are you saying you two slept together?" I asked, standing up and turning to look at her.

"Hmm, yep, sure sounds like it doesn't it?" She asked. I took off upstairs, the tears falling from my eyes as it felt like my heart had been torn out of my chest. I threw myself onto my bed, burying my face in my pillows. I began sobbing so my hard my entire body was moving. I couldn't get any oxygen in, so it felt like I was going to go into full on panic mode soon.

"I hope you're fucking happy Bella," Quil yelled. "If you ever slut shame Allie again I will rip your head from your shoulders." His  angry footsteps made quick work of the stairs as he ran up to check on me. I couldn't help but want it to be Jake even though Bella had just said that they slept together.

Jake has always been my "person". He's the one that has always calmed me down during panic attacks if my father isn't there. Quil hasn't ever had to calm me down.

"Shh, Allie, you know that's a lie. Jake would never hurt you like that," Quil said, sitting down on the edge of my bed.

"He fucking left me, didn't he?" I muttered, barely able to breath. I started focusing more on my breathing to ground myself.

"Allie, come on, let's go out. You need to get away from her. We can go down to the beach or something," Quil said. "The rain let up."

I sat up, wiping my eyes dry for the final time.

"Thanks Quilly," I said.

"Anything for my Allie," he said. I smiled at him, but agreed to go to the beach with him. Maybe it'll give me a chance to clear my thoughts. Maybe I'll finally figure out what I'm supposed to do about Jake and Quil. Maybe, just maybe, I can figure out how to repair things with Bella. But, then again, maybe they're too far gone to be repaired.

I hoped for the best as I slid on a sweatshirt and headed out to my car with Quil. The drive was silent, but the peaceful sort. The kind everyone longs for in the chaos of this mortal world.

Alessandra Mae Swan || A Jacob Black Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now