Chapter 3

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A'moura POV

After I Left August i showered and everything. I ran in my room screaming not knowing what to wear and how to dress! So I panicked and lost my damn mind && ran into my big ass walk in closet and damn near passed out getting frustrated at all my clothes. I called my hair stylist Triniti. She answered on the first ring.

Me: Trin Trin Can you Pleaseee come over I need help !!
Trin: Yes Bay I'll be there in 5.

I hung up and smiled and jumped around yess !! I found the perfect outfit and smiled to myself. I took a picture of it and smiled when I heard the door bell I ran downstairs and opened it and was greeted my Trin running upstairs to set up. I giggled and followed her. I showed her my outfit and she smiled to her self

Trin: Oh yes hunny I have the perfect hair style.

I smiled and sat in my white chair as she got started on my hair. My phone rung and I looked at the text and I giggled and responded to August.

* 10 mins later *

" I'm done girly " Trin said with a big ass smile on her face.

I turned in my chair and my eyes widened I loved it I thanked her and paid her even though i didn't have to I did. I helped her pack up and I walked her out to her car. I waved as she pulled off and I than got a text from her.


I laughed to myself and shook my head and responded. I went back to my room and started to get dressed ((MM)) I looked in the mirror and smiled. I got a text from August saying he was on his way here. I grabbed my purse,my phone, keys,, && My perfume. I heard a horn outside I sprayed myself and walked downstairs and out the house after turning everything off and locking the door behind me and walked to his door I reached for the door he popped my hand.

" Owww August " I said while rubbing my throbbing hand.
" that's what ya get I kno' ya seen me right hea' baby long as I'm round Ionn need ya touchin' ya doe bae" he said in his strong New Orleans accent while kissing my hand and opening the door to help me in. I got in and kissed his cheek saying thank You before letting him
Close my door. He jogged to his side. And got in and smiled at me before pulling outta my drive way.

August POV

After dropping A'moura off I went home and showered and brushed my teeth again and I twisted my hair messy and picked them out a little then I got dressed (( MM )) && I sent Moura a text I smiled and finish getting ready once I was one with everything I sprayed my cologne grabbed my phone, wallet, && car keys. I turned off everything and walked out locking the door behind me. I got into my car texted Moura I'm on my way. And sped off heading to get this crazy ass girl. After pulling through her gate I honked the horn letting her know I was outside. I got out and stood against the passenger side door. She came out and locked up her house I still don't understand why she live in this big ass house alone. I shook outta my thoughts when I seen her grab the car door I popped her hand I didn't try to pop her hard. She jumped and pouted.

" owwww August " she said rubbing her hand.
" that's what ya get I kno' ya seen me right hea' baby long as I'm round Ionn need ya touchin' ya doe bae" I said in his strong New Orleans accent while kissing her hand and opening the door to help her in. Before I closed the door she kissed my cheek and said thank you. I jogged to my side and got in and smiled and sped out the drive way out of the gated community. I had my phone plugged into the Aux just letting anything okay my song " Porn Star " came on and I laughed and was finna change it then A'moura took my phone and sat it down. She sang the whole song to me I just laughed to my self as we started to pull up the the restaurant. I parked the car and grabbed my things I went to A'moura side as she took her time getting out I snapped a picture of her ((MM)). She smiled and grabbed her purse with me closing the door behind her. I grabbed her hand as we walked into the restaurant. Ionn know the name of this bitch but it was fancy as hell and I thought she deserved to be treated.

" Hello, How May I help you ?"the desk lady said smiling very big.
" I have Reservations for Alsina " I said looking down at A'moura.
" yes sir , right this way "she said walking in front of us showing us our table outside. I pulled out her chair she said thank you I smiled at her then we was greeted by a male waiter. He eyed down A'moura the whole time

" Hello , I'm John && I'll Be Your waiter today can I start you uoff with drinks ?" He said looking at A'moura She mugged him and I laughed
" Yes can I have a sweet Tea with Lemon Please " A'moura Said In This sweet ass voice causing me to get lost for a sec.
" Can I have a coke && Hennessey please " I said grabbing My lady hand causing him to walk off. she giggled
" Thanks August " she said laughing again. After talking for a while our drinks came then we ordered we was in our own little world just laughing and talking just enjoying each other's company. Our food came after about 25/30mins of waiting I looked at A'moura and smiled

** Two hours later **

After two hours of eating ,laughing , && having fun it was time to go. We were waiting on A'moura's strawberry cheesecake to go.

" Here you go Ma'am have a great day. " John said while giving her the box she smiled and grabbed it and gave him an $100 tip I couldn't stop her we already discussed it.Grabbing her hand walking to the car getting inside. A few mins later I pulled up to her gated community and she put the code and and we drove pulling into her driveway I smiled getting out the car to help her out .

" call me before You go to sleep love " I said kissing her cheek .
" I promise I will " she smiled hugging me and walking to her door unlocking it and going inside.





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